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Sunday, August 13, 2023

Mr. KnowNowt; or, A Drumpf Trial Prospective Juror Responds to Voir Dire

Who says the twice-impeached former POTUS
can't get a fair trial anywhere in the USA...?

Nowt know I of 
Kim Jong Un who
hectors North Korea.
Nowt know I of
Woody who ex-
asperated Mia. 
Nowt know I of
Jason -- or his
paramour Medea. 
And who the hell
Donald Drumpf...? I've
really no idea. 

Nowt know I of
Putin who's an-
nexing The Crimea, 
nor nothing of Gon-
dawanaland which
once was call'd Pangaea, 
nor cannabis – al-
though it's thought by
some a panacea. 
And who the hell is
Donald Drumpf...? I’ve
surely no idea. 

Nowt know I of
syphilis, much
less of gonorrhea. 
Nowt know I of
conchas, though I
love a good tortilla. 
Nowt know I of
Poe – except his
And who the hell is
Donald Drumpf...? I’ve
truly no idea. 
Nowt know I of
horseflesh, though I’ve
won at Hialeah. 
Nowt know I of
Viet Nam, much
less of Kampuchea. 
This fellow Drumpf: is
his a case of
ludicrous latria...? 
Whoe’er he is, it's
not my biz. I’ve
no i-(frickin')-dea!

The Losts: An ABC

     The Lost Ark Heedless Hebrews lost the Ark  but Jones the Gentile found it --  along with half a dozen nasty  Nazis runnin' 'ro...