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Monday, June 18, 2018

"Marlin Brando and others..." Five More Poissons of Interest (Illustrated Images)


"She saw an actor playing Lear upon a black-box stage..." Harrassment or She Saw s Scoundrel: A Constrained Nonsense Alphabet

She saw an actor playing Lear upon a black-box stage,
which actor then attacked her, crying, “…-til your cheeks crack! Rage!...”

She saw a brewer using hops to modify his malt,
which brewer tried to screw her, crying, “It’s your own damn fault.”

She saw a builder raising roof beams for a pine-log house,
which builder nearly killed her when she brushed his workman’s blouse.

She saw a butcher chopping steaks, a cleaver in each hand,
which butcher tried to putsch her, having sliced her thyroid gland.

She saw a broker packaging some questionable debt,
which broker tried to choke her when she queried, “Gross or net?”

She saw a choir conductor leading choristers in song, 
which schmuck went on to fuck her. Does he not know right from wrong?

She saw a doctor when she’d gotten gangrene in her toe,
which doctor socked her -- clocked her when she told him, “Doctor: No!”

She saw a draper cutting yard goods -- buntings, braids, brocades –
which draper tried to rape her (which he’s done to sev’ral maids).

She saw an etcher burnishing a graven copper plate,
which etcher tried to stretch her ‘cross an unforgiving grate.

She saw a farmer harvesting blood oranges and limes,
which farmer tried to harm her – and succeeded, sev’ral times.

She fled a grocer galling her (she’d claimed his yams were jokes),
which grocer promptly grossed her out: he show’d his artichokes.

She saw a wand’ring herder in Charmoise, attired in plaid,
which herder tried to murder her. (This herder hurt her…bad.)

She spotted an investor buying stocks and selling shares.
Molest her this investor did, while crying, “No one cares.”

She saw a jock who hemmed and hawed, “The gals I like? Good sports,”
which jock left her in shock once he had handed back her shorts.

She saw a Kaiser – Bill by name – whose German sounded Dutch,
which Kaiser told her lies. (Her mom had cautioned her as much.) 

She saw a lawyer -- name of Sawyer -- wearing lawyer's clothes.
Will this lawyer soon annoy her to distraction? I suppose.

She saw a miller grinding grain, his mortar sharply filed,
Which miller tried to drill her – with that very mortar. Wild!

She saw a neighbor who had stencil’d “Brillig!” on his van,
which neighbor will outgrabe her, being such a Carroll fan.

(a work in progress) 

She saw an organ grinder…
Will this organ grinder find her...

She saw a planter…
which planter...

She saw a Quaker...
which Quaker...

She saw a ranger…

She saw a rapper…

She saw a sailor…
which sailor tried to nail her…

She saw a tinker…

She saw an undertaker…
which undertaker’d break her if she...

She saw a voter...
which voter went and show’d her...

She saw a wrangler…
Which wrangler tried to strangl’ her…

She saw a writer…
which writer tried to bite her

She saw a x... 

She saw a y…

She saw a z…

Pin the Palin on the Honky: A Dimensional Image

As your warm thoughts about 
Senator McCain coalesce over coming days,
don't fail to recall that it was he who delivered us up 
to the dreaded Sarah Palin. 
Thank you, John for all your service.

"Some runners are dishes. One dish runs amok..." Some Runners & Some Silly Things Some Seem: A Constrained Nonsense Alphabet

(Sometimes some French river runners are called, by some, Somme Runners. Sometimes some cost accountants (sometimes referred to as "running the numbers") are called by some Sum Runners. The verses below are at no times concerned with either of these kinds of runners.) 

Some runners are dishes. One dish runs amok,
last seen running away...with a spoon! 
Some runners are bands. One's called Band on the Run!
(While its members are running, they croon.)   

Some runners are soldiers at sites like Bull Run; 
some expire for the North, some the South.  
Some don blue; some don grey; next to none win the day  
(though most Johnny Rebs run at the mouth).  

Some are hollowware runners. "My Cup Runneth Over"--
Ed Ames crooned these words to new tunes, 
while “My Cup," running eighth on the Billboard Hot Hundred,  
gets swizzled with runcible spoons.

Some runners are mowers. They run best on diesel.  
(Some say, "Nothing Runs Like a Deere.")
Some runners need pick-me-ups. (Feeling run down?
Don't run dry! And don't cry in your beer.)  

Some who run are exhausted. They're running on empty.
(Some obsolete runners are runes.) 
Some runners for office liethen run for cover.
(Some running for president? Goons!)  

Some runners run gauntlets. (There's one runs the gamut.) 
There's sev'ral gun runners as well. 
Some runners, seen climbing the rungs of societal 
ladders, are honchos -- in hell.  

Some runners are flippers: they run hot and cold.
Some are spendthrifts. (That runs into money.) 
Some runners are smart, running Java online.
5K runs I'll run...when days turns sunny. 

In the long run, some runners are long-distance runners:
like Lola in "Run Lola Run."
Some are marathon runners. Some run at the mouth. 
(It appears those may never be done.)  

Some run -- run ‘n’ gun! Runny noses at Runnymede
spend several suns on the run.
One runner's run off with the well digger's wife.
(Now that well digger's dating a nun.) 

Some runners are dieters, running in place.
Some are prunes, quaffing Jeff Runquist wines,
which are not squeezed from prunes so won't give you the runs...
plus they'll help you make sense of these lines.

Some runners are Kenyans who lack running shoes:
these run plagued with severe running sores.
With such pustules -- so-o-o-o painful! -- they tend to run scared,
so they're not running silent (of cours'). 

Some runners run wild, like some runaway train,
so you can't predict what they will do.
Some runners are sharks, good at running the table
(depending on angle of view).

Some runners are barflies: they run up a tab
while forgetting their vehicle VIN numbers.
Yes, runners run wild; others run with the wolves.
(Running water will hydrate your cucumbers.)

Some runners go running in men's swimming “trunx.”
Damon Runyon was not one of those,
though he did recall Ruth hitting sixty home “runz.”
(Three bad puns bring my runs to a close.)

Losts & Founds: An ABC

     The Lost Ark Careless Hebrews lost the Ark  but Jones, a gentile, found it --  along with half a dozen nasty  Nazis runnin' 'ro...