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Thursday, March 5, 2020

COVentry Carol or the Nonsense He Knows

call'd for COVES who don’t get captur'd, 
COVES who don’t get caught. 
circumspect re COVENSwhere Dem's 
witch-hunt raids get wrought.

COVETOUS of cash...'cuz I crave
capital...a lot!
habit’s been to rake coin in. (Through 
COVIN, oft as not.)

capers call for COVER-UPS. Of 
those I've caused a bevy.
lingual coinage, too, I'm clever. 
(Google my ‘COVFEFE.’)

nasty Chinese COVID-19's 
vast catastrophe!
vocable- (his V O C-) CO-
VALENT...? 'C O V-.'

Losts & Founds: An ABC

     The Lost Ark Careless Hebrews lost the Ark  but Jones, a gentile, found it --  along with half a dozen nasty  Nazis runnin' 'ro...