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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rime: an Acrostic

Tump, chump, mugwump, frump, grump, garbage dump. 
Rump, glump, Kevin Crump, slump, strump, vacuum pump.
Ump, shump, speed bump, clump, crump, triple jump. 
Mump, klump, sump, hump, h-r-r-r-rump, lump, Andy Gump.
Plump, stump...(ta-tump, ta-tump, ta-tump, ta-trump, ta-trump, ta-trump…) 

"Sir Paul's fur balls..." Double Dutch

Sir Paul's fur balls, Saint Paul's crop!
Nepal, Naipaul, paintball…plop! 
Chez Paul, gay ball, RuPaul...? Fop. 
Topol, Bopal, Donn Paul's flop! 
Free-fall, flee pol Ron Paul's slop! 
Dope haul...? Don't bawl: phone call (cop)! 
Low ball, don pall: John Paul's Pop. 
Fast ball, last call, that’s all...stop!
How many drop steps can you do?
One-half, one, square root o' two... 

Losts & Founds: An ABC

     The Lost Ark Careless Hebrews lost the Ark  but Jones, a gentile, found it --  along with half a dozen nasty  Nazis runnin' 'ro...