'A's address Titian's
absurd apparitions.
Tish dreams (wishes, seems) absurd apparitions.
to wave all inhibitions.
BB: Baseball's Berra dreams of visiting the Old Country. But whose...?
Both 'B's be 'bout Yogi's
bewildering bogies.
abstaining from hoagies.
(Indeed, Yogi's feed
comes from plated pierogies!)
CC: Angel (ret’d, Charley-type) dreams of failing to nix a gambling jinx.
'C's conjure Farrah's
cock'mamie chimeras.
Ms. Fawcett, mit jaw
set, cock'mamie chimeras.
hurls snake eyes at Harrah's.
DD: Powerful dream persuades this Capp hottie she's still a looker.
Duple 'D's display Moonbeam's
delusional daydreams.
fine," mulls McSwine. Duple 'D's display Moonbeam's
delusional daydreams.
"Mine ain't needin' Olay creams."
EE: Poor
Bo dreams of future unemployment, envisioning only eternal umbrage.
Echoed 'E's earmark Derek's
eccentric etherics.
Both show broad-boob'd Bo
giving vent to hysterics.
FF: Infamous foreign agent Hari dreams of heading south of the border.
'F's finger Mata's
full-farcical fatas,
wherein (note her grin!) full-farcical fatas,
wry spies pummel piñatas.
GG: The uncle in the grisly "Addams Family" sit-com dreams of the confessional.
'G's...? Glyphs for Fester –
gross with grotesqueries:
all will appall. gross with grotesqueries:
(He'll confess just the less scaries.)
HH: Motown cager Prince dreams of teaching Genealogy 101 at an all-white Detroit high school.
Four Half 'H's hold Tayshaun's
hairbrain'd “h'llucinashauns.”
This Piston's insistin,' hairbrain'd “h'llucinashauns.”
"My sibs...? All ‘Alsashauns’!"
II: Idiot Veep dreams of
continuing to suck eggs, goose-type.
Idem: 'I's index thick Dick's
inane "idee fixe'd" (sic).
Agreed: When VP'd, Idem: 'I's index thick Dick's
inane "idee fixe'd" (sic).
Cheney zero'd for six. (Sick!)
JJ: Calendar (Jalali-type) maven Omar dreams his poetry's roundly
'J's...? Just O. Khayyam's
joint jabberwock'd jimjams.
This Persian's "verse-'xcursions"...? joint jabberwock'd jimjams.
Per'verse-'ical flim-flams!
KK: Creator of Khingachgook (sic) dreams of failing to employ spell check.
'K's kindle Cooper's
kookesque kama rupas.
Pathfinder spellbinders...? kookesque kama rupas.
Brimful of bloopers!
LL: Lahore sage dreams of delaying
enlightenment for just one more evening.
Let 'L's limn Le Buddha's
lightheaded laputas.
Nirvana's anon. For now...?
Lime-Jello shootahs!
MM: Married Massachusetts man dreams of scoring some illicit sex.
'M's max'mize Lodge's
mind's muddl'd mirages.
Hank Cabot's a Babbett mind's muddl'd mirages.
ISO "massages."
NN: Former Network TV doc dreams of chugging rubbing alcohol.
Neighb'rin' 'N's notate Kildare's
nonsensical nightmares.
The Doctor is crock'd, sir, nonsensical nightmares.
thus subject to bugbears.
OO: Okuda
creature, a Starship Captain, dreams of his Trek series living in reruns...forever.
outré oraculas,
re: space-time spectacula's.
PP: Political cartoonist dreams of
getting his best ideas while dreaming.
Pair o' 'P's portrays T. Nast's
preposterous phantasts.
They'll fashion his passionate
Tammany sarcasts.
QQ: 155-mph quick-service ace Andy dreams of illegal drug use.
Queu'd up 'Q's cue A. Roddick's
"quite qwazy" quixotics.
So fast we're aghast.
(Is Rodd usin' narcotics...?)
RR: Toys 'R' Us icon dreams of putting 'base' back in 'customer base.'
Rhymin' 'R's relate Geoffrey's
rude, radical rev'ries.
This mascot shows tots rude, radical rev'ries.
lots of noir sides Mom ne'er sees!
SS: Cannibal's sado-dream exposes his criminality as largely genetic.
Sim'lar 'S's show Lector's
sick, stark-ravin' spectres.
As Hannibal's Nana scrawls:
"I ♥ dissectors!"
TT: Tour cyclist dreams of enjoying
scenic French views.
Two twin'd 'T's trace Sir Lance's
(tsk tsk!) tomfool trances.
Our star's worst bete noir’s (tsk tsk!) tomfool trances.
when his next Tour de France is.
UU: Overstuff'd and underfoot Pillsbury mascot fails to curb his ravenous appetite.
Un'form 'U's unveil Doughboy
in unhinged Utopoi.
His dream...? Clotted unhinged Utopoi.
atop tow'ring gâteau, boy!
VV: Hollywood
(and vane) icon Walter weighs the politics of his career-long type casting.
Vis-a-'V's...? Views of
vertiginous visions.
Each movie's to prove he vertiginous visions.
won't play Dionysians.
WW: Rudyard's white-man's-burden creation dreams of a primate chorale.
Wedded 'W's wield Kim's
wild- (-'n'-woolly) -eyed whims
Jungle Guy humm'd to by wild- (-'n'-woolly) -eyed whims
chimps chantin' hymns.
XX: This Caesar, in
X-rated dream, dons colorful and pricey designer underwear.
Extra 'X's [x]* Galba's
xiphoidal xibalbas.
He fancies he dances xiphoidal xibalbas.
in dark Marc Chagall bras!
* Pronounced 'ex,' as is said
when one’s ticking a box.
YY: Charlemagne's youngish mistress dreams of being sweet-talked...again!
Yikes! Yok'd 'Y's yield up Himiltrude's
yammerin' yakshatudes,
pha'sms where Chas hums yammerin' yakshatudes,
flat medieval platitudes.
ZZ: Ms. Pitts dreams
of Oscar's Ernest's mom's dream of...(are you following all this...?)
Zwei 'Z's...? Zut! Don't miss 'em!
Z-z-zaSu's "zombnamb'lisms"
nail Wilde's prim Miss Prism Z-z-zaSu's "zombnamb'lisms"
in wild Freudi'nisms!
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