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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Frag Rags: Beaux Esprits with Letters Three

In case you're currently in short 
supply, here are several bits of 
nonsense doggeriff prompted by 
twenty-six three-letter abecedarial 

Two tricot-knit-
ted lab coats sit
in stacks of fit-
(Conceived in 9
BC divine, 
I'm fine: malign
not me.)

‘Tis time, Big Mac:
define exac-
tly what’s in back
of ‘pure’!
Define right now
(does Ron know how...?)
what's meant by 'cow
de jure.'

Most songs she’s left
in clef G. Clef'd 
in B...? Bereft
of fun! 
“Tonight,” she boasts,
“I’ll frighten ghosts,
if ghosts bi-coast-
al run.”

My pencil sketch-
es baksheesh fetch,
though ink's no stretch 
for many.
(Sell hot pants...? Not
New Delhi…? Jodh-
pur dealers' lot...?
Not any.)

“Is she a fake...?”
they howl. “Si! J.
K. Rowling ain't 
her name.”
(‘Tain’t no mirage:
at home, she’s ‘Taj.’ 
J. K. loves hajj. 
She's game.)

Though Royal Dutch,
the common touch
is “air’d” by K
Each flight...? Most calm
no “flying bomb.”
(I love to fly
with them.)

Try kosher Spam –
no pork, no ham.
Delish...? You bet
your glans!
No ham! No pork!
Just grab your fork!
(It comes in one-
pound cans.)

Quranic scho-
lar Samar’s hol-
ler: “Stop! 'Q’ran'’s in-
Do not ‘u’s drop! 
Q: who’ll stop
you...? I shall. (What’s
your sect...?))"

And have you heard
this Scrabble word:
‘suq’...? Rs not in
this mot.
Still, rules there be.
The best...? Let's see:
stick, nerds, to words
you know...?

The Duke of York’s
odd love of storks
makes clear which dork’s
turn’d queer.
Still, storks in si-
tu voted three
to one to flee 
the dear.

Now's Sarge's* turn
to chitchat churn
and thereby learn
from betters
which stuff disturbs
in situ verbs
and adds fresh herbs
to letters. 

This plea’s for you,
detailer. My 
A peacock-blue
x-rated dec-

Nobody owns
sitars with drones.
Now, xylophones
are trendy.
Who knows what’s next!
Perhaps a sex-
y zither’s mode

Some jazz is Thai
(I can’t think why).
Zaire sports jazz
bands, too.
And Paris has
its Hot Le Jazz,
a blend of old
with new.

     * Sgt. N. ("Jim") Smithe-Magee 
(the N stands for 'Nonsense.')

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