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Friday, June 10, 2022

Corpse (Aix, Quiz, Zits)


Corpse (Hex, Wiz, Seat)


The LIfe 'n' Death o' Drinkin' Bird


Recall that drinking bird 
science toy? You may have 
called yours insatiable birdie 
or dunking bird or even 
(incorrectly) dinky bird 
magic perpetual motion
machine. Whatever you 
called yours, assure you 
it was nothing like mine.) 
     Say “slainte!” 
to me Drinkin’ Bird.
(His cocktail…? 
Shaken, never stirr’d.)
Propose a toast! 
Me clinkin’ bird
will belt his next, 
throw down a third,
a fourth, a…

”’Nuf! Tha’s sinkin,’ Bird.
Tha face be flush’d. 
Tha speech be slurr’d.”
(Me Drinkin’ Birds’s 
one stinkin’ bird.)
“Tha’ll lose thy eyesight, 
Drinkin’ Bird,
if tha’s glaucoma 
goes uncur’d.”
(At home we calls ‘im 
“Winkin’ Bird”;
four floaters 
leave his pupils blurr’d.

But dons he specs…? 
Not Blinkin’ Bird.
His fear…? Folks label him 
The Nerd.
(Me Drinkin’ Bird’s 
no thinkin’ bird.)
Play’d Steinways, 
did me Drinkin’ Bird.
Like Liberace, 
Bird play’d furr’d
(all ermin’d up: 
no Minkin’ bird)
and swann’d about 
like hell, I’ve heard.

He once were bill’d 
“Ye Plinkin’ Bird.”
(A memoir’s due. 
‘Tis too absurd:
this turd’s become 
an inkin’ bird.)
“But ars runs longa, 
Drinkin’ Bird.
Tha’s denoument’s 
too long deferr’d.
No longer be tha 
‘Brink’in’ Bird.
Tha’s due to be 
in hearse chauffeur’d.

In zinc-lined urn 
shall Zincin’ Bird,
ex-drinkin’ buddy, 
be interr’d.
(En fin, me friend’s 
a Finkin’ Bird.)

Corpse (Aches, Oui, Sid)


Corpse (Hecht's, Whiz, It)


Corpse (X, Wheeze, Zed)


Corpse (Haig, Swiss, Hit)


Corpse (Egg, Squeeze, Sit)


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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...