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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hommage a Mike Wilbon in '-il's, '-on's 'n' '-esses'es

"What fills the bill…? Eubonics will," 
professes Casaubon.
"Who spills no swill? Hugh Bonneville," 
assesses Eleanor Bron.
“What kills a chill…? Swill'd tonics will," 
confesses Bon', James Bon'.
“My pills are bonbons fill’d with dill,” 
finesses Dot's* "Big Blon'.”
Each thrills: "Mike kills in dresses 
donn'd in vaudeville in Bonn."

     * Wit Dorothy Parker

He Knows What He Likes

‘Tis comme il faut that Wolfgang chose art.
(Which Wolf…? Amadh A. S. (“Wolf”) Sartre.)
So: Aunt Flo (we’re told she knows art)
crows, "Wolf’s glows -- his beaucoup beaux-arts --
most unlike Great-uncle Joe's art -- 
calendars with 'ho's-in-hose art.”
(Asks each poser: “D'you suppose art
apropos of Wolf's rondeaus art
blows away Joe’s status quo's art…?)

Homagee Jon Agee

Jon plying palindromes...? That Jon you know.      
     Here’s fif- 
teen Agees -- anagrams. Bid each “Hello.”

Goe, niece of Jon’s and a bit of a ‘ho. 
la! Meet Jean Ego, the pseudo Poirot.                                      

gypsy cum bard e. e. jango makes rhymes.                                          
     E. J.
Genoa salts his salamis with limes.

     Gee! An 
O. J.! (An Orenthal James substitute.)
     J, age
one, squats Luvs-swaddl’d. (That toddler’s so-o-o-o-o cute.)                                      
     Jo, a
gene: lots of chromosomes – quite a few doz.                                      
     Og, nee
J. A., Cro-magnon bride. (Bedded her cuz.)

Jean (George/Jeanine), as hermaphrodite sex'd. 
     J. (E...?) 
A.: gone – but track’d through a milk-carton text.

Agee – Go, Janee! – the pompom queen. (Rah!)                                     
Egan, Beau’s Irish twin. (Egan go bragh!)                                        

Ogee Jan’s treatments grace windows uptown…?                               
     No J.
Agee’s one fate Jon must take “lying down.”                                            

Goan (no name, honorific attach’d).
     He’s half
Hindu, half Portuguee (sic): sri unmatch’d.                                   

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...