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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Alpha Betes: a Disordered ABC of Supreme Beasties Claiming Superiority

     Original Alpha Betes (from AmalgaMates by Ulysses Poe) 

The Apogeeraffe, the Boffolo, the Chargé d'aFerret, the Deep Seal,
the Emperorang, the First Plaice, the Genuinocerous, the Higheenah,
the Inside Trackoon, the Jupitern, the Keytiwake, the Lezzruff-Tew Weevils
the Magnacum Louse, the Notbadger, the Optimuskrat, the Parve Gnu, 
the Qualiteal, the Reagle, the Staytodee Hart, the Topadee Lion, the Übear
the VIPeacock, the Wowl, the Xanadugong, the Yakohinoor and the Zebravo

     New Alpha Betes 

     One: The EgotisTick

The EgotisTick, to be chosen top pick,
pushes lunatic schtick. (His routines make me sick.)

     Two: The Notoriole

Notoriole's smarm...? Her attempts to disarm
all who'd cause undue harm to the City of Charm.

     Three: The UpperCrustacean 

The Upper Crustacean plies troth to a Haitian
who, choosing migration, flees Drumpf's "shithole nation."

     Four: The Well-EduKatydid 

The Well-EduKatydid, pregnant (tho' keepin' hid),
travels far off the grid, has her kid, names 'im Sid.

     Five: The Tsardine

Do Tsardines court friends who will go to all ends
to establish new trends...? That, or course, all depends...

     Six: The Maxolotl 

The young Maxolotl sips pop from a bottle.
Adult Maxoes waddle. (Some won't. Still, a lot'll.)

     Seven: The StrawMandrill

The Straw Mandrill stars in B movies where czars
manage wine bars on Mars. (No: no Oscars. Yes: scars.) 

     Eight: The Acmeerkat 

The Acmeerkat clan...? Erect -- to a man.
Their gals also can -- phase two of The Plan.

     Nine: The Biguana

The beastie we call the Biguana is small.
He's more pint-size than tall. (It's the name's 'big' is all.)

     Ten: The Best-in-Shoat

The Best-in-Shoat's hautshe sports (and I quote)
"a Porky-pink coat." But that's all she wrote.

     Eleven: The Camelflage

The Camelflage hide appears multichrome-dyed.
Her inside's likewise pied. (Those insisting not lied.)

     Twelve: The Dynamoray

The Dynamoray can't but have the last say,
adding, "Do it my way: you'll keep troubles at bay."

     Thirteen: The Ritzetze

In Ritzetze's maws lie a pair of great jaws
where grin teeth much like saws. (Did I mention the claws...?)

     Fourteen: The GentEel

With no white tie or topper, GentEel comes a cropper. 
But with 'em, he's proper -- a real traffic-stopper. 

      Fifteen: The Efferpheasant

The Efferpheasant ain't no peasant.
He, when present, makes life pleasant. 

     Sixteen: The SuperiOrca

"The SuperiOrca inhabits Minorca
and oozes kavorka." -- F. Garcia Lorca 
     Seventeen: The Cream-o'-the Crappie

Why's his tongue floppy, its diction so sloppy...?
'Cuz Cream-'o-the Crappie smokes opium poppy.

          (a work in progress)

     Eighteen: The GlitteRat 

     The Kangaruler 

     The ExcellAnt

     The Fabulouse 

     The Flagrant Fowl

     The Gazellionaire

     The GigAnteater 
     The Grandrewsarchus

     The GardenWallaby 

     The High-'n'-Mite

     The Infamouse

     The MaCrow

     The MamMoth

     The Masscivet

     The AristoCat

     The PrinciPalomino

     The SizeaBull 

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...