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Monday, September 16, 2024

Now We Are Big: The Adult Fates of Some Childhood Mates

Little Black Sambo
Li'l Abner Yokum
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Miss Muffet
Little Nemo
Little Toot
Little Eva 
No longer little -- 
though still undeniably black -- 
and eschewing the moniker 'Sambo,' 
believing it wack,
Sam is now Abul-qasim Abwan, 
after turning his back
on McComb, Mississippi 
and heading for Basra, Iraq.

No longer 'Li'l' -- 
although growing disturbingly vocal
in his rants against use 
of the libelous epithet 'yokel' --
Abner's shutter'd his shack 
and resign'd from the bed testers local.
(Will such turnabouts alter him...? 
Betcha a week in New Yo'k'll.) 
Grown, although still looking chic 
in her signature hood,
Red no longer haunts Grandmama's Forest, 
nor feels that she should.
"I'm so finished with canines 'n' crones, now. 
Is that understood...?"
rages Red as she shoulders her basket. 
"I'm leaving for good."

Grown, though still prone 
to evade ev'ry maid-stalking spider,
Muff's now ask'd a famed arachnologist colleague 
to guide her.
From their cheese curd and whey food truck, 
marketing crab-apple cider,
they report that no insect of any ilk
even has eyed her.

No longer little, 
nor keen on some Slumberland visit,
preferring Las Vegas 
(which sure ain't no Slumberland, is it...?),
our Nemo now wanders the Strip ev'ry night,
while in lieu
of pajamas he sports used fatigues --
and a pith helmet, too. 

No longer little 
nor up to his old full-time duty,
and ignoring his fellow tugs'
use of the moniker 'Toot,' he,
as "Captain N. Route,"  
ferries immigrants here to the States,
N. Route so-o-o-o-o Emma Lazarus loves.
(Stephen Miller he hates.) 

With Uncle Tom granted 
his freedom at last, and she grown,
Eva leaves the plantation 
to live in Atlanta, alone.
Selling paperback Bibles, 
she does fairly well on her own,
till last May when she dies,
having choked on a porbeagle bone. 


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...