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Saturday, June 13, 2020

A Is For A! An Illustrated Alphabet in Verse: Letter T

Ask'd "True or false:
'The Skater's Waltz'
was done by one Waldteufel...?",
I'd answer 'T.'* 
('F,' 'N' and 'B'...? 
Those three leave me less joyful.**)

     * Testees are instructed to enter, 
in the box provided, 'T' for 'true,' 'F' for 
'false,' 'B' for 'both' or 'N' for 'neither,' 
'nowt' or 'nertz.' ** Older mss show 
"annoyful" for "less joyful." 

A Is For A! An Illustrated Alphabet in Verse: Letter S

If Hitler's faves
('bout whom Herr raves)
I deign to designate,
I 'S' redact --
'SS,' in fact --
for lugs we love to hate.

A Is For A! An Illustrated Alphabet in Verse: Letter R

Readin,' 'ritin,'
'rithmetic: aren't
'R's the star(t)s of these...?
Not true! Not true!
Those final two
show, first, apostrophes!

A Is For A! An Illustrated Alphabet in Verse: Letter N

If numbers I
would specify --
tho' nothin' too specific --
an 'n' you'd see,
like "...nth degree..."
tho' Ns can be horrific.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...