Jean-luc Martinez, Louvre Director, describes objet d'art Venus de Milo.
"Blow ME Down and pick me up!"
Kirk Douglas reprises performance in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."
"CriME Dog's the name; baseball's the game!"
Former Major League first baseman McGriff contemplates name 'McGruff.'
"Don't know much about MEDieval thought. Don't know grammar near as good as I ought..."
Sarge* parodies Sam Cooke's "What a Wonderful World This Would Be."
"Each droMEDary? One! Each Bactrian? Two!"
Daniel Potts of The Silk Road Foundation opines on camel hump quantity.
"FraMED! I was fraMED, I tell ya!"
Dr. Sam Sheppard recalls real-life saga fictionalized in "The Fugitive"
"GaME Day balls? All inflated to a guage pressure between 12.5 and 13.5 psi."
NFL's Dean Blandino summarizes league rule during Ballghazi investigation.
"Howdy, hoMEDogs!"
Sarge* mixes registers while addressing audience at D.C. open mic.
"In MEDia res, baby: in MEDia res!"
Roman lyric poet Horace describes where ideal epic poet should begin tale.
"...ME Donkey want water, hold 'em Joe..."
Belafonte quotes Mac Beth quotes Manning using iconic calypso lyric.
"King ME, Davey!"
Philistine Goliath importunes Hebrew David during checkers tourney OT.
"'LaME Duck'? I'll give you 'laME Duck'!"
Barack Obama confronts Mitch McConnell in Senate Coat Room.
"...MEDicinal purposes only, and I've felt poorly now for fifty years."
W. C. Fields paraphrases earlier comment on his much ballyhoo'd thirst.
"None naMED names!"
Dalton Trumbo refers in tautogram to fellow Hollywood Ten colleagues.
"Oh, ME Darlin,' oh, me darlin'..."
Huckleberry Hound sings -- incorrectly and off-key -- a favorite tune.
"...PomME De terre, creme fraiche, Gruyere cheese..."
Jacques Pepin lists ingredients in recipe for Pommes De Terre Macaire.
"Question: when Mr. Ed airs in France, is it called M. ED"?
Walter R. Brooks, author of The Talking Horse, inquires about residuals.
"ReMEDial Chaos Theory" nominated for Emmy? How cool is that!
Chris McKenna, having penned that episode of "Community," enthuses.
"SoME Day my prince will come."
Adriana Caselotti recreates Snow White voice-over from Disney film.
"Try some MEDoc, Doc!"
Sarge* riffs on Flanders and Swann's "Have Some Madeira, M'dear."
"UnMEDicated...but I mean, of course, unmitigated...gall."
Source unknown
"Vulcans observe first contact protocols without violating the Federation's PriME Directive."
Gene Roddenberry discusses superiority of certain alien races to humans.
"Which way to MEDina?"
Muhammad solicits directions from well-travelled camel driver.
"Xebecs? Rarely sighted outside the MEDiterranean, thanks to me and my brig-sloop Speedy."
Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald, reminisces about naval history.
"Your MEDium is your message."
Marshall McLuhan misquotes himself.
"Zeus, Danae, Perseus, Polydectes, MEDusa: fewer than six degrees of separation."
Frigyes Karinthy touts his theory.
* That's Sgt. N. ("Jim") Smithe-Magee (the N stands for 'Nonsense')