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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Sunshine Boys & Girls Must Come to Dust

Willy* wax'd vehement: “‘Pickle.’ That's funny...
'n' ‘chicken’ 'n' ‘cockroach’ 'n' ‘cupcake.’ They're funny.
Woids wid a K,’ not wid M, not wid L...”
Makes you wonder what Willy would think about ‘knell.’
Or ‘Ivanka’? Thinks Willy ‘Ivanka’ so funny?
Steve Bannon thinks 'Vanka’s “as dumb as a brick.”
Nowadays, ‘brick''s a funny word. (So, Steve, is ‘prick.’)

Makes you wonder if Willy’d think ‘Kushner’ so funny.
Chris Christie thinks Jared's both bitter 'n' sick.
Nowadays, ‘sick’'s a funny word. (So, Chris, is ‘kill’ --
as is 'kin,' 'lock'd up,' 'Newark' 'n’ 'Mockingbird Hill.'
You 'n' Jared are, both of you, critic'lly ill.
Makes you wonder what verdict might bring Uncle Will.)

Take 'Kellyanne Conway': that starts with a K.
How Ms. K rambles on how Hill's emails got hack'd
(now'days, 'hack'd' is a funny word) till she redacts
with black markers 'n' guile -- and alternative facts.
Makes you wonder: might Willy think truth has been jack'd?

What of ‘Huckabee Sanders’? Remarkably funny.
‘Remark’ is a funny word; Sarah’s sure are:
most remarkable, awful…and awf'lly bizarre.
I perceive Sister Sarah as chip off a block.
‘Block’ is funny now’days. Poppa Mike? He's a crock.
'Block,' Mike,' ‘crock’? Funny all. (As is, nowadays, ‘mock.')

     * Uncle Willy Clark, Walter Mathau's cantankerous retired 
vaudevillian in the filmed version of Neil Simon's 
Broadway comedy "The Sunshine Boys."

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