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Friday, September 25, 2020

The Placozoa Chronicles, Episode 12: Why...? Just Be Cosa

"'Orange Only' Ocarina"

     Ep. 12: Capo Zola

One famiglia (fam'ly") di crime
were the Smiths, call'd 'Capone' at that time.
In control of payola 
sat ol' Capo Zola,
who'd pocket nine cents of each dime.

The Placozoa Chronicles, Episode 11: My flu...? Heavens!


"Neighborly Non-residents"

   Ep. 11: Plazoo, CA
Near Plazoo, California, last June,
on the night of a super blue moon,
sev'ral folks caught swine flu.
For those few...? Much ado.
(For Plazoo, CA...? Inopportune.) 


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...