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Friday, January 10, 2020

Locus of Points

The Sphinx at Giza. The Tower of Pisa.
Casino Royale. The OK Corral.
Le Tour Eiffel. The Greensburg Well.
Vat Phou in Laos. A slaughterhouse.

The Capitol Dome. The Hippodrome.
Le Moulin Rouge. The Skyline Luge.
The Replica Ark. Comiskey Park.
The Taj Mahal. A mini-mall.

The Guggenheim. The five-and-dime.
L'Ile Grande Jatte. The laundromat. 
High-speed rail. The city jail.
The Kamo Shrine. A diamond mine.

Les Champs Elysees. The Dublin Quay.
Lee’s Boyhood Home. Saint Peter’s in Rome.
The Colosseum. The British Museum.
Angkor Wat. A vacant lot.

The Empire State. The Brandenburg Gate.
The Merchandise Mart. The Cathedral at Chartres.
The House of Lords. The Bolshoi boards.
Saint Vitus's nave. An unmark'd grave.

The Tweedles on Suits

“Plays ball, the Ass o' Di'monds do, "
droned Dum, as home his homey flew. 
"Plays golf as well, at local links.
We call 'im Ass o' Clubs. (He stinks!)
Plays soccer, too -- some Melbourne side" * 
"Be Ass of Hearts his name…?" Dee cried.
"Nope. Him we dubb'd," Dum answer'd back,
"the Ass o' Spades: his butt be black."

     * Perhaps Dee has in mind Melbourne 
City FC, known until recently as Melbourne 


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...