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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Oodles & Oodles (6,624 to be Exact: Thank You, JD) of Protest Chants for the 2020 US Election: a Cybertext Paying a Petit Hommage to Founding Oulipian Raymond Queneau and His Famed One Hundred Million Million Sonnets

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D1   D2   D3  D4  D5   D6   D7   D8  D9  D10  D11  D12

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
His neckties still hang down too low.
He doesn’t know he doesn’t know.
(Real hair…? Or musty oleo?)

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Did he once host some TV show?
His BFF’s our Russkie foe.
(Real hair…? Or mangl'd UFO?)

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Why’s he behave like Putin’s ‘ho’?
He brags, “I’m rich!” So: where’s the dough?
(Real hair…? Or melting Arctic floe?)

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
He claims he speaks for Av’rage Joe.
How much back taxes does he owe?
(Real hair…? Or damaged drag queen ‘fro?

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
His plan? Expand Guantanamo.
His tweets elicit vertigo.
(Real hair…? Or frosted cookie dough?  

Hey hey! Ho, ho!
He started lying lo-o-o-ong ago.
Some hoped he’d change, but he won’t grow.
(Real hair…? Or back yard yellow snow?)

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Some thought he’d shake up status quo.
But he’s a fake, so did he? No!
(Real hair…? Or dumpster'd Sloppy Joe?) 

Hey hey! Ho, ho!
He’s big on braggadocio.
He plumps for Wade; he dumps on Roe.
(Real hair…? Or stale whipp’d cream gateau?)

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Mysogyny he won’t outgrow.
He grabs ‘em by their…what…? Hello!
(Real hair…? Or cesspool backup flow?)

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
“Psychotic!” writes Politico.
Just call him ‘Gen’ralissimo.’
(Real hair…? Or prorogued embryo?)

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
He calls himself a CEO
He “governs” with four kids in tow.
(Real hair…? You know…I just don’t know.)

Hey hey! Ho, ho!
His bus’ness model’s quid pro quo.
His government’s a puppet show.
You still will vote for him…? Oh, no!!

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...