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Monday, April 3, 2023

Regarding the Attraction of Opposites, It's Touch 'n' Go: a Ritmus in Rime

With Eb 'n' Flo, to is fro, 
stop is go 'n' yes is no. 
Sis is bro, feu est l’eau, 
vrai est faux 'n' joy is woe.

With Eb 'n' Flo, pimp is ‘ho,’
suck is blow 'n' high is low.
Wane is grow, fox is crow,
rich is po' 'n' fade is glow.

With Eb 'n' Flo, am is pro, 
Jenny's Joe 'n' quid's pro quo.
Shemp is Moe, paid is owe,
sigma's rho 'n' catch is throw.
With Eb 'n' Flo, fast is slow,
shove is tow 'n' trot is "whoa."
Gross is beau, err is know,
win is show...and, yes: ebb's flow... (as is shown here)
less is mo.'

Enid 'n' Edna: a Meterhyme

Enid is blue on green; Edna’s deep red. 
Enid’s an ABC; Edna’s a zed. 
Enid’s respectable; Edna’s ill-bred. 
Enid’s believable; Edna’s lost cred. 
Enid’s progressive; to Drumpf Edna’s wed. 
Enid is spirited; Edna’s quite dead. 
Enid we celebrate; Edna we dread. 
Each is our sib. (Best the rest's left unsaid.)  

Soup 'Herb': a Jump-Rope Counting Meterhyme

Hoover, Herbert Marshall, Herbert
Asquith, Herbert Lom. Victor
Herbert, Justin Herbert, Mrs.
Walter Herbert ("Mom"). Edna
Ferber(t) would her blurb blurt. Baby
Gerber(t), please stay calm! (Dropp’d her
sherbert on the curb, hurt sev'ral
digits and her palm.)


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...