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Monday, December 26, 2022

Flummoxing Day: an Etymological Dialogue 'Twixt Ed and Amahl on the 26th of December

     Ed's observations appear in this > > > typeface. 
Amahl's look like this < < < . 

"I've got no clue. I'm flummox'd! You...?"
"With flum I'm, too, replete." 
"Why's Boxing Day so named that way...?"
"I'm flummox'd, I repeat."

"To blunt that flum, let's hunt for some..."
"What . . . ? " "...lexical approach
which, once deploy'd, will void this void."
"Which modus do you broach . . . ?"

"At school..." "Heart-Knox . . .?" "...'twas cool to box..."
". . . unorthodox albeit." 
"Back thar' we'd seek to spar all week..."
"Did sadists swarm to see it . . . ?" 

"Sure!" "No way , fool ! The season's Yule :
Weren't boxing duels verboten . . . ?"
"They toxic were. But boxes...?" " 'Twere
poor's alms . . ." "'balms'!" ". . . they're totin' .

"Their beds they've made." "Still, they need aid,
and boxes carry care, 
bein' fill'd with gifts." "...and gifting lifts
poor spirits..." ". . . everywhere!" 

     (a work in progress)


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...