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Monday, April 2, 2018

Dessert Song (A Nonsense ABC)

Supper’s over. Who wants pudd? It’s understood: I would! I would!

Alas, I'm diabetic, so…all normal helpings must forego.

‘Twould be, for me, the height of folly, as arrives the pastry trolley,

to ingest one morsel more than minimum. Thus, I ask for…

one axion of apple pie. One bite of baklava.

One crumb of carrot cake. One dwarfling’s dab of dacquoiseah-h-h-hh.

One element of Entenman’s. One fermion of flan.

One grain of German choc’late cake. (Why? Just because I can.)

One hint of halva. Imagawayaki? One iota.

One jot of jam, one kiss of Krispy Kreme topped with ricotta,

plus just one lick of laddoo (just the one: one’s been my quota).

One morselette of macaroon. Of nougat? Just one niggle.

Oladui? Just one ort, not two: no room have I for wiggle.

One particle of petit four. One quark of queijadinha.

One radion of Rocky Road. (I’ll pass on the farina.)

One smidgeonelle of sachertorte. One tittle of taiyaki.

One up quark of the upside-down cake. (Pray it’s not too chalky.)

One very – vanishingly very – trivi’l vial of vla,

unless the vla be bland and blah -- (that’s ever been its flaw).

One whispering of Whoopie Pie. One extract ot ximago.

And, though I’m not a Glarus Swiss, one yin of your sapsago.

And zero of the zabajone – zero's quite enough.

Then top it off with treacle toffee…and…Marshmallow Fluff.

Do Black Lives Matter to Drumpf? (A Doggerel)

The Donald insists that his long par fives matter.
His one-hundred-fifty-yard baffy drives matter.
The courses he’s building outside St. Ives matter.
But where does Drumpf stand vis-à-vis Black Lives Matter?
The Donald insists that his trophy wives matter.
His comb overs, blowouts and boy beehives matter.
Though sad hands, his glad hands and jive high fives matter.
But where does Drumpf stand vis-à-vis Black Lives Matter?
Drumpf’s towers? Vulgarian dives! Do they matter? 
Drumpf’s Bedminster 18-round skives: do they matter?
How long before Donald crash dives? Does it matter?
(Where were we? Let's see: oh, yeah: does Drumpf agree
    Black Lives Matter?) 

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda or Augmented Marlon (A Nonsense Rhyme)

I coulda had class, coulda been a contenda.
I shoulda had kvass, shoulda went on a benda.
I’d pass clad in Blass, if my thighs had been slenda.
I shoulda spent brass, woulda been "Da Big Spenda."
I'd blast bad trad jazz, had I had me a Fenda.
I coulda been crass: tact ain’t par for my genda.
Coulda coupled with Cass, but instead I wed Brenda.
I should pad may ass, ‘cuz my butt’s somewhat tenda.
I coulda passed gas, then sass’d, “Retoin ta senda!”
I coulda had bass; striped, it woulda been tenda.
I woulda smoked grass but I hadn’t a venda.
I should attend Mass. (Would I snooze through the splenda?)
I shoulda grabbed passes to “Prisoner of Zenda.”
I would stand a glass for my fellow West Endas.
I coulda danced chasse, woulda filmed with Wim Wendas.
I should sport a girdle instead of suspendas.
I could…but, alas: I’ve my own bent agendas.
I’ve reached an impasse. Now, please, pen your addendas.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...