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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Guys, Gals & Gigs II (Unpub)

Colm E. ("Ish") Mayell 
Herman Melville Biographer

Rachel Eniqua-Liddy: 
NAACP Recording Secretary

Howard E. Weiffenkitz: 
Life Insurance Salesman 

Rhys Espy-Zess: 
Confections Distributor 

Hope Springzy-Ternal
UN Peace Negotiator 

Get 'Im! (Unpub)

Assassinate ‘im! Bump ‘im off!
Crucify ‘im! (Who would scoff…?)
Drown ‘im – deep down! Eighty-six ‘im!
(Finishin’ ‘im off will fix ‘im.)
Guillotine ‘im! Hang ‘im high!
Immolate the frickin’ guy!
Jettison ‘im down the loo!
Knock ‘im off! (Like, lynch ‘im…nu…?)
Massacre ‘im! Neutralize ‘im!
Off ‘im! (Dyin’ might surprise ‘im.)
Polish off his dumb ass -- do!
Quarter ‘im! (Then draw ‘im, too!)
Rub ‘im right out!. Strangulate ‘im!
(Breathes he still…? Quck: terminate ‘im!)
Lives he still…? At least unfriend ‘im!
Vaporize ‘im! (In short, end ‘im!)
Whack ‘im! (E)xecute his ass!
Yank his breathing tube: he’ll pass.
Zap ‘im three times! Zap ‘im good!
Feeling great…? I knew you would.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...