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Monday, May 1, 2023

Color Me Refractory! by Roy G. Biv

     To those insisting they know words designating colors 
but lacking any rhymes, guest poetaster Biv says, "Nonsense!"

Larry has a little lamb. Indeed, he has a chilver.
As send up of the Mask'd Man's horse, he calls his chilver "Silver."

Yeasts 'n' rusts 'n' chanterelles: each fungus sports a sporange.
Some sporanges glow bowling green; rust sporanges look orange. 

Rhyming words arrive in herds when mispronounced is 'beige.'
Your 'sage' won't do, nor 'gauge' won't, too. (But note the color 'greige.'*)
     * A blend of grey and beige.

There's wedgies and there's towel snaps, the noogie and the nurple.
Each snap leaves joke butt's buttocks blue; each nurple leaves tits purple.

Among the young of Alcidae...? The puffling and the auklet.
The puffling's cock-a-doodle blue. The auklet's hue...? Milk choc'late.

A Queen of Crime is Ngaio Marsh, whose fav'rite bloom's the violet.
Don't wonder, then, at shades of walls in rooms for rent that Ngaio let.

"Open Sesame!"'s Other Options; or, Kassim's Crib Notes: an Alphabet













...La Lechera
















My post's at university. My PhD I seek.
My name is Rosie Finn-Gherdaun. My subject's Attic Greek.

     (Homer's 'rhododaktulos eos' translates as 'rosy-finger'd dawn.')

English Lit's my specialty. My Shakespeare I can quote.
My name is Nora Lenderbee. I've learn'd Will's words by rote.

     (Hamlet, Act I, scene iii: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be.")

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...