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Friday, November 27, 2020

Repost: Tammany Hall, Folks!

His aim...? To appall, folks.
He’s framing a wall, folks.
His tweets...? Folderol, folks.
His bleat, "I don't fall, folks,
don't stumble, don't sprawl, folks."
His hands are so-o-o-o-o-o small, folks.
So: how many justices might he install, folks...?

His gazes ooze gall, folks.
His phrases...? A squall, folks.
He answers folks’ call, folks.
His folks tend to brawl, folks.
And drawl with a “y’all,” folks.
And think he's King Saul, folks.
So: which third-world dictators does he enthrall, folks...?

An indifferent pol, folks,
he claims wherewithal, folks.
His hair doesn't loll, folks
He combs with a maul, folks.
His brand makes a haul, folks.
He’s having a ball, folks.
So: when will his “telling it like it is” pall, folks...?

His moll is a doll, folks.
His kids own the mall, folks.
His Hancock's a scrawl, folks.
His tales are all tall, folks.
“He’s nuts!” some folks bawl, folks.
Thus folks mustn't stall, folks.
So: what must folks do to make Drumpf cry, “Thaneeah...
thaneeah...thaneeah...thaneeah...that's all, folks!"...

Repost: The Loves of A Lady: A Nonsense Reggae

Filthy Captain Irv Le Smoler
fill'd de capp'd 'n' nerveless molar 
of de Lady Mondegreen 
dat gal what laid 'im on de green.
Head Doctor Juan Dufore Wiecks-Paigh
had dock'd her one to four week's pay. 
Nex' day, de Lady Mondegreen, 
impov'rish'd, laid ‘im on de green.
CDI Ronnie N. “Bjorn” Cooke, 
seedy Iranian-born cook, 
ador'd de Lady Mondegreen,
dat gal what laid ‘im on de green.

Vice Lord Al "Owen" Tudor-Welles 
was low'r'd, alone, into de wells, 
de wells o’ Lady Mondegreen,
dat gal what laid 'im on de green!

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...