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Saturday, April 6, 2024

Yo! A Nonsense Lyric (As Sung by Yolande)

"You've your yoyoing Yogi, 
 your yoyoing Yoda. 
 Yonder's yoyoing Yom Kippur.
 Your Yossarian, yoyoing, 
 yells, 'Hi-yo, Silver!'.
 You've yoyoing Yoko...yeah: her!
      "You've your yoyoing young 
 (yours is yodeling 'sa-yo-na-ra'*).
 You've your yoyoing yoghurt-engorged 
 yours yoyos (yoicks!) Yo-Yo Ma.
     "Rev'rend Spooner, while yoyoing, 
 yells, 'Rellow Yose! 
 Mold the hayo, Sosemite Yam!'
 Both those yokels, once through  
 (with their yoyoing, nu...?)
 yodel, 'Yolayheehoo...'
 So: are you -- yabba...doo!** -- your yoyos...?"

     "I am."

     * Unlike in English, Japanese does not employ
stress accent. The effect generally is that each 
syllable receives approximately the same stress --
which can, to Western ears, sound like a stress accent
is applied to the final syllable, as it sounds above.
     ** Truncated version of characteristic comment 
by same Yogi Bear who appears in the first line of 
this lyric.

Yoyoing Yogi

Yoyoing Yoda 



(More images to come)


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...