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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Narcissistic Personality Disorder or The Ill Eagle

My Russian dramatic fave...? Chekhov’s The Seagull.
Norwegians who’ll trigger tears...? Edward H. Grieg’ll.
A canine one learns to love...? Peke-…wait: a beagle!
Worst guilty obsession...? (Is Oprah illegal...?)
What weakens one’s will to win...? Chronic fatigue’ll
World’s fav’rite dead princess...? Di [sob] was so-o-o-o regal.
But what’s more distressing than Ben “Bugsy” Siegel...?
One lemon-pate head of state ve-e-e-e-e-e-ery ill eagle.

We Are Where We Live: Auda City

Observe the folks 
of Auda City,
labell’d 'tres outre.'
Heels...? Hair...? Drinks...? Spiked!
Who'd get all psych’d 
to them a visit pay? 
(Perhaps in June 
I'll change my tune, 
or May...
but not today.)


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...