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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

"Why does the moron..." Eight Moron Jokes Rex Tillerson May or May Not Have Told Perhaps Hold Key to Donald Trump's Psyche

(October marks the one-year anniversary of the revelation that 
a US Secretary of State referred to a US president as "a moron.")

Why does the moron prove a dreadful head of state?
Because when but a tot the toddler’s not allowed a mate.

Why does the moron daily briefings fail to study?
Because he’s not a clever lad, nor’s never had a buddy.

Why does the moron white supremacy defend?
Because when yet a child he’s reconciled to have no friend.

Why does the moron a misogynist become?
Because when young he never hung with any female chum.

Why does the moron fail to discipline his ego?
Because alone he’s stayed: he’s never played with an amigo.

Why does the moron bully, bluster, boast and bellow?
Because when yet a youth he’d grown uncouth without a fellow.

Why does the moron spread so “absolu” a “mal”?
Because forbidden to this kid were freres: he had no pal.

Why does the moron suffer all of the above?
Because “Go for the gold!” when young he’s told. “Ignore the love!”

"Ax, the Asking Buddha..." A Friends of the Laughing Buddha Alphabet of Buddhas Presented as a Connect the Dots Puzzle Cum Coloring Book: More Nonsense in Meters & Rhymes

You may have heard tales of Pu-Tai the Laughing Buddha, or seen him, with his prayer beads in his hand or hung 'round his neck and his potbelly begging to be rubbed, in Asian restaurant windows or display cases in curio shops. But hidden – until now – has been a whole array of Buddhas, each similarly named with an appropriate gerund after his characteristic attribute or eccentricity. The following lines of verse present a whole alphabet’s worth of these fellows, portrayed for you to complete, to color and to contemplate.

An alphabet 
of Buddhas, set
in systematic chain,
will errors quell.
(‘Twill dare, as well,
through Zen, to entertain.)
Ersatz it’s not.
Connect each dot!
What dharma you’ll obtain!
the Asking Buddha,
proposes queries three:
(1) “How d’ya do?”
(2) “Cool. An’ you?”
(3) “What in hell’s a ‘Sri’?”
(Non sequiturs
these, it occurs.
Feel free to:
 [ ] diss 
    [ ] agree.

the Burping Buddha,
eructs “As Time Goes By”
on treble reed
by me. Do not ask why.
(Paired, formerly,
with Kenny G,
whose honking’s less than fly.)

the Coughing Buddha,
whose throat conceals a frog,
sounds so-o-o-o like Satch.
But here’s a catch:
he’s billed “The Velvet Smog.”
Still, “West End Blues”
he’ll not refuse
to scat as monologue.*
* Pace Louis Armstrong 
and Mel Torme

the Doping Buddha,
most limners limn as lean:
a shade, a ghost –
one overdosed
on metamphetimine.

the Etching Buddha,
who’s tan's a Van Dyke Brown,
declares, “My dear,
please wait right here:
I’ll bring the etchings down." 
* Pace James Thurber.

the Frailing Buddha,
picks six-string licks galore.
Like mentor Seeger,
Flayl’s “de reeger”*
railing ‘gainst the war.
(Flayl’s new octet’s
The Buddhaettes.
None like ‘em heretofore.)
* Flayl’s pronunciation 
of ‘de rigueur’

the Grinning Buddha,
apes Carroll’s Cheshire Cat.*
His jaw’s in view
‘cuz (sad but true)
his face won’t fade: ‘stoo fat!

* Pace Charles Dodgson.

the Huffing Buddha,
employs a gas-mask bong
to toke his Rhino.
(Like your wino,
Humph well knows it’s wrong.)

the Itching Buddha,
hosts fleas like Drumpf boasts dough –
though lacks withal,
the Donald’s gall
and braggadocio.
* Short for ‘Impetigo’

the Joshing Buddha,
did stand-up in his youth;
a spell, as well,
on SNL.
(He killed at House of Ruth.)
But Hope he’s not,
though, ‘cuz he’s got
Gil Gottfried’s lack of couth.

the Kvetching Buddha:
Complaints, complaints, complaints!
But, after all,
one must recall:
bodh’sattvas make poor saints.
“No Mother T
be me,” warns he.
(No pretty pic he paints.)

the Lolling Buddha, 
looms large at Sarge’s Lounge.
Leth lacks all pep.
Well-earned's his rep
as junior "SeƱor Scrounge."

the Moulting Buddha.
Skin sloughing is his thing.
Moie sheds it while
he’s bowing viol
and humming “Moultin’ Swing.”*
(In lieu of that --
as tit for tat --
Christ scats, “Ring-ding-a-ding!”)

* Pace Bennie Moten.

the Noshing Buddha.
His mum’s a Polish Jew.
Says Matka, “Vell,
moj syn: sup well!
Nor nie neglect to chew.”

The Oozing Buddha.
From ears, from eyes, from nose,
from butt and lips
slick syrup drips.
Quick! Fetch a pail and hose!

the Putting Buddha,
is slow to break a sweat.
But once Parr does,
he’s sunk – because
his bogie’s worse when wet.

the Quarr’ling Buddha.
Quidd's quick to pick a fight.
Quidd can’t be told.
Quidd’s uncontrolled.
(Let's face it: Quidd’s for shite!)

the Rapping Buddha,
declaims no Saxon tongue.
(Shall geeks soon seek
to speak the Greek
from which Rap’s raps are wrung?)

the Sleuthing Buddha,
inveighs dans chez Suchet.
“I may, someday,
Poirot portray…
if Pinter pens the play.”

The Toddling Buddha.
On Tuck Chi opts to dote.
Is up Chi’s thumb?
O, yup! (In sum,
Tuck’s still – in Chi -- tres haut.)*
* Pace Chicago.

the Umping Buddha.
Your state? Check, mate, his name!
How well you do
is subject to
the way Upp calls the game.

the Voting Buddha,
vents, “Vote dem varmints out!”
It’s understood
Vett’s motive’s good.
But Vett lacks ample clout.

the Warring Buddha.
In genocides he’s starred.
(The view’s now voiced
that Warn be hoist
upon his own petard.)

the Xysting Buddha,
sits ‘sconced in his arcade.
Its rostrum spins,
so, for his sins,
Xin withers in the shade.

the Yachting Buddha,
stands watch on Empress deck.
He sports a cap –
though, for his nap,
prefers a turtleneck.

the Zzzzzzing Buddha’s
"gear fab" at grabbing Zs.
Those shades of his
permit this wiz
to “rest his eyes.” (Oh, ple-e-e-e-eze!)

So ends, good friends, this menu,
exhausting six and twenty --
each standard letter –
plus (what’s better)
proff’ring puns aplenty.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...