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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Who Was THAT Mask'd Man...?

Marlon Brando as the

Don Vito Corleone Ranger.

Who Was THAT Mask'd Man...?


Billy Graham as the

Saved by Faith Alone Ranger.

Who Was THAT Mask'd Man...?

Liberace as the 

Eau de Cologne Ranger. 

Who Was THAT Mask'd Man...?


Carl Sagan as the

We Are Not Alone Ranger.

Who Was THAT Mask'd Man...?


Orson Welles ("We'll

sell no wine before 

its time...") as the 

Cote du Rhone Ranger.

Who Was THAT Mask'd Man...?


Walter Catlett as the 

Bois du Boulogne Ranger.

Who Was THAT Mask'd Man...?


Former Israeli PM 

("Hi-Yo, Silver...

Oy, Vay!") as the

Ariel Sharone Ranger.

Before Tweedle Drumpf There Was Tweedle Dick & Tweedle Dubya


Doubling Back By Frost's on a Homonymy Evening

Whose snoods

these are 

I think 

guys know.

Whose ouds

are these...?

D'ya plink

or blow...?

Whose food

bar, this...?

Might chink-

eyes know...?

Whose 'hoods

be dese...?

Dey stink,

my bro!

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...