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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

A Bagatelle in B (11)

Departing Bagram Airfield, 
we're served bagels and baguettes.
Our pilot's Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. 
Embrace Shree, shall we...? Let's!
     As bagpipes sounded, stewards found 
some baggage missed their loading.
If bags -- air-, vomit- -- failed to board,
such surely'd be foreboding. 
     "Your bean bags and your bota bags...? 
Like duffle bags -- all here,"
co-pilot Bilbo Baggins blurts, 
"stored safely in the rear."
     "We did misplace some body bags,
some book- and burn-bags, too,"
the Emir of Baghdad observed.
"And douche bags just won't do."
     Then hostess Enid Bagnold...

     (a work in progress)

26 Letters, 61 Strokes: (Unpub) A Schematic by Ulysses Poe


RoloDicks: (Unpub) Illustration by Ulysses Poe


Concept drawing for
information storage device 
designed to keep tabs on the 
names and demographical data
of famous fictional detectives, 
PIs and literary gumshoes 
of various stripes.

Letter C (Unpub) from A Musical Alphabet: Illustration by Ulysses Poe


C is for Czerny.

One Fine Night at the Karaoke Bar: Illustration by Ulysses Poe

 "...a drinking jag, a lighted fag, 

some Karaok,' some fire, some smoke..."

Brew Noel: Illustration by Ulysses Poe


Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain...