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Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Placozoa Chronicles, Episode 6: Inca Dinka Don't!

"Feeding-Frenzy Fantasy"


     Ep. 6: Pola Acoz
Paco's madre -- his cadre's tale goes --
was rais'd Quechuan, nee Pola Acoz.
Donning manta 'n' chumpi,
poor Pola 'ppear'd lumpy.
Yo, Paco! Don't mock yo' ma's clothes!

The Placozoa Chronicles, Episode 4: Childhood's Wend

"Elfin Elasticity"
by Uly Poe

   Ep. 4: "Coo! La Paz!"

As a child, Pac's exiled to Bolivia,
land of llamas' pyjamas. (Note trivia.)
Purr'd Pac's Pa, "This place...? Ma's."
Remark'd Pac, "Coo! La Paz!"
(Pother not! Now Pac's got his own privy, huh...?)

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain...