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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Sextet of Cleriwhens

     Cleriwhens are much like clerihews but explicate periods 

rather than people, substituting chronology for biography.

As for cleriwhos, cleriwhats, cleriwheres and cleriwhys -- 

not to mention clerihows -- your guess is as good as ours. 



Cor! Rome's in a fix:

Barbarians crash the gate. Bread and circuses pale.

(States fail: let's not pretend.)

A thousand-year empire -- the place wasn't built in a day -- 

fin'lly crawls to its end.


Harold would nix

the invasions of Tostig 

and Harald of Norway (“Hardrada’).

But William of Normandy whines, 

“To be King…? I’ve just gotta!”


Christopher cum crew

an ur-treacherous ocean, the icy Atlantic, 

with caravels triplex Chris cross’d,

where he found North America, 

this notwithstanding that no one’d reported it lost.


Militias of farmers and hicks

cry "Enough!" to the King of Great Britain 

and take on his troops.

Independence is won, though for white folks alone.

(Cf. DAR and sim'lar groups.) 


Eric Blair (George Or-

well) intro'd ' Big Brother,' 

'double-think' -- his novel help'd define

'em. (1984's the name: 

the book arrived in '49.)


SF-ing fun

as apes learn from monoliths, 

HAL warbles "Daisy" and astronaut Kier

worries Earth from his translucent bubble. 

(Again, here, the name is a year.)

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain...