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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Repost: Push Comes

When push comes to shuffle, just shuffle along.
Off to Buffalo shuffle, like's done in Al's song.*

When shuffleboard's offer'd, a shuffle pass may
lend one's shuffle dance lev'rage to carpé the day.

When shuffling one's feet, as Burt Shevelove does,
price, then purchase, a snow shuffle. (Why...? Just because.)

As regards mortal coils which require shuffling off,
first, shite shuffle from Augean Stables! (You scoff...?)

     * Al Dubin and Harry Warren introduced their song 
"Shuffle Off to Buffalo" in the 1933 musical film "42nd 
Street." It must not be confused with Noble Sissle and 
Eubie Blake's 1921 Broadway show "Shuffle Along."

Repost: Raging Ruffl'd Really Rather Rude Rhode (Island) Reds


Runcibl'd Spooner: The Danelaw

Which mutation of COVID’s call'd
"unique disease"...? 
Long haul.
What’ll bring to account Peter Madsen
(that sleaze)…?
Høng law’ll.
Quarantine; life in jail:
One alone may sue for bail.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...