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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Florchitecture Postcards (Past)

The Taj Mahalmond

The Sydney Hop'ra House


The Pearamids at Giza

Maiza Verde

Magnolia Plantaintion

Machu Peaches

The Lingon Memorial

Kiwi West


The Eiffel Taro

The Mad Florchitect's Songs (Past)

The Taj Mahalmond 

Which celebrated sepulcher 
might please the legume connoisseur
your mum's become...? Just muster Mom und 
tote 'er to the Taj Mahalmond!

Machu Peaches 

Who sports Jones 
for fruits, with stones, 
from far-flung distant reaches
no worse can do 
than tour Peru:
Pick Incan Machu Peaches!

(Must be sung to the tune of 
Chuck Berry's "Memphis, Tennessee," 
ideally accompanied by Johnny 
Rivers's '57 Stratocaster.)

Help me, InfoMaven, to en-
roll each Pinot gris...
each Shiraz, Merlot, each noir Pinot -- 
plus each Verdot (Petit)...! 
     'Cuz, when I'm through, we'll (me 'n' you) 
enjoy a vintage spree...
through El "Vin" Aros'* Grapesland, 
down in Memphis, Tennessee.

     * A Spoonerism for "Elvis Aron"'s.

The Lingon Memorial  

Last seen, years past, 
in The North Hjo Pictorial:
red, round, respected...
and so-o-o-o gastronorial.
     Yipe! Now he's ripe. Let's all 
pipe verse sensorial:
♪ "Two for dessert at the 
Lingon Memorial." ♫

The Sydney Hop'ra House

Who’s daft for draft
and Johann Strauss
(composer of
Die Fledermaus)
must make a point to, 
with his spouse,
drop by 
the Sydney Hop'ra House.

Maiza Verde

Who'd yearn fer corn
must earn her corn, 
nor turn forlorn
'n' scaredy.
     If spook'd by heights, 
tour sunken sites: 
steer clear 
of Maiza Verde!

Magnolia Plantaintion

I confess to cessation 
of holidays Haitian,
of furloughs Croatian, 
sabbaticals Thracian.
na-nation...? Nah! 
Now no vacationin'...
'ceptin' in Charleston's 
Magnolia Plantaintion.

The Eiffel Taro

I got son'thin' ta say, mio caro,
tho' methinks this verse stinks -- like stale gar roe...
and this rhyme can't vamp time 'til tomorrow.
     List' away, lest your day end in sorrow!
Who knows nil climbs a Kilimanjaro.
Don't tempt fate! Best to wait in the far row.
     Why'd shy guys have you rise up so far...? Oh,
cry not "Why not...?"! Sigh "Bye, Eiffel Taro."

The Pearamids at Giza 

Scorchees searchin' sere Saharas 
for desserts design'd to please a-
ficionados of the phara'hs
plump for Pearamids at Giza.


Forget about Iceberg 'n' 
Cranberry Beans; 
skip Endive, Romaine 'n'
Arugula Lett-
uce, Radicchio, Kale 'n' Chry-
santhemum Greens:
try visitin' Montmartre's 

The Drumpf Wheat House

Comes word you've ne'er heard 
of the house built of wheat.
Pols and pundits who have 
even call it The Wheat House.
     Its tenant's a liar, 
psycho, cheat,
a molester of women --
in short, complete louse.

He herds his "good words" 
into long-winded tweet-
storms he Twitters most morns 
from the bowels of The Wheat House.
     Thrice wedded, he's pull'd 
an espousal "threepeat,"
though each bride Blondel beds 
proves but one more effete spouse.

Yet sleepers awake! 
Patr'ots take to the street
to protest this tycoon -- nay: ty-
rant -- of The Wheat House.
     Him (guilty as sin) they'll soon 
rightly unseat --
less a man [plus his kin!] 
than a now-obsolete mouse.

Let's do it! 
(A Weatherman's victory sweet.)
Ah-h-h-h...but how...? Must we now 
this wimp's fam'ly with 
"sheet" dowse...?
     Or hang the whole gang -- 
cronies, kids -- by their feet...
and display 'em across 
the South Lawn of the Wheat House...?

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...