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Sunday, May 20, 2018

I'm Quick to Quote an Anecdote: A Constrained Alphabet in Rhyme

I'm quick to quote an anecdote. 
With bromides, bro, I'm facile.
Fresh coining is my metier
dictum? Hey! No hassle!
I've ghosted loads of episodes. 
I'm fecund with a fable.
At home with ev'ry gnome,
to hatch a hapax I'm quite able.
My latest insight's out today. 
I live to tell a joke.
And, if it please, my koans tease. 
For legends, I'm yer bloke.
I make up mottos, mold new myths. 
My narratives are peerless.
My omens are...well: ominous. 
With proverbs I am fearless. 
The quip's my game, my claim to fame. 
Romance? My stock in trade.
Which tongue’s my saga? Onondaga! 
Tales? A fusillade! 
I ain't no dunce with utterance.
With verbiage I'm rife. 
Most nits insist my witticisms
prick 'em like a knife.
My axioms? X-rated though they be,
yield "puro d'or.
The yarns I field yield zingers: 
each one leaves 'em wanting more.
I've epithets and commonplaces,
sayings, apercus.  
I've apophthegms and adages.
(Some aphorisms, too.)  
I'm thick with theses. Mad for maxims.
Saws? Two pecks a day.
But if this gent stays President,
I won't know what to say.

Hommage a Gorey: A Constrained Video

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...