W(ystan) H(ugh) Auden!
His gist...? To embroaden
his listing of homo-erotical
So Wyst trysts: “Ta, UK! Ah-ha-a-aah: 48
James Art’ur Baldwin
blames Harlem (“’T’sno Walden!”),
claims Paris as home. James, we wish you
as you emigrate (ooh-la-la!) to (la-la!)
Joseph Conrad,
early on, had
shipp’d for shores foreign o’er oceans
thus aug’ring Joe’s heroes’ endeavors
Why can’t he
lie low in his most-favor’d
‘Cuz revenge-fill’d Black Guelphs post
rest warrants.
T(homas) S(tearns) Eliot
bagg'd a Nobel. He at-
tain’d, more’s the pit, British
Critics (Kenner, for one) think Tom’s “Cool
(as a)
F. Scott Fitzgerald,
l’hot Jazz Age’s herald,
logs too many knights on the French
though just as straight Yank, he, as L.
(Wait, wait! We’ve swapp’d ‘F’s: for F. Scott, F.
Wave to Rob Graves!
Robert’s writing rates raves,
of which wit most be writ on the isle of
To hear his wives tell it. Bob’s short
of ka-
(Wait, wait! We've switch’d Graves with F. Garcia
Heinrich Heine!
(Hein’s no Freund of meine.)
sagst mir Heimlich ein leises
wach auf, (ya!) und der Strauss ist
(Or, “Breathe in me shell-like da
I awake, but it’s gone: da chimera,
Eugene Ionesco
digs scenics al fresco.
Gene’s change of address, from Slatina
occasions his dramas’ deft “noms de la
(“The Chairs” isn’t one, but “A Stroll in
Air” is.)
Will Dublin’s James Joyce
err in finding a voice
there in Erin...? (One he’ll pot while in
Rome, one in
although Zurich’s the spot where Jim’s
tongue’s laid to
Hear that wretch Milan Kundera
kvetch: “Living under a
Czechoslovakian rule’s
far from fun.”
(Milan’s migrated westward by late
So swore D. H. Lawrence,
so tortur’d ‘neath torrents
of World War I Britain’s belligerent
“I’ll embark on a ‘pilgrimage savage.’”
Herr Thomas Mann,
raining cat-calls upon
Hitler and ‘dolf’s diabolical
quits the Reichstag. (Herr’s splitting for Schwyz:
IgNobelist Naipaul,
the novelist I call
Sir Bloody V(idiadhar) S(irajpra-
call'd Tobago his home. (Or was that
Ovid (P. Naso),
whose odic sargasso –
Amores, Metamorphoses, Ars Amatori-
a, Fasti
(plus “gaffes”) get Nas banish’d.
(Whatever his “errors,” they’re bound to’ve
been ”Nas”ty.)
Petrarch (Petrarca)
donning his parka,
ascends Mt. Ventoux, though the first to
its summit he’s
nor is Petrarch an exile; this Itie just
“iters” a
Horacio Quiroga
hails not from Shimoga
but Salto in Uruguay (bred there
though it’s Buenos Aires’ans who boost
Salman Rushdie
eschews being shush’d. He
was born in Mumbai, better known as
Fatwas, filed, fail’d to find him,
although one yet
Percy Bysshe Shelley’s
best pals all will tell: “He’s
more partial to straying than staying at
Bysshe is batty 'bout ‘bye,’ ‘ciao,’ ‘adieu’ and ‘sha-
Admitted: he’s
no wa-a-ay
just your garden-variety, Athens-born mine owner, exiled
Thuci’s War in the Peloponnesus remains fundamental, though read all
too rarely.
Spain’s jejune “No
Turnos” coup ships M. de U to off-beat-track Canary
Today, such round-trips, via France, would earn big
in exile’s aware:
a star’s mononymity ramps up his
Liberace, Cantinflas, Moliere,
Tintoretto, Machito, Madon-...ah:
that’s what’s in a name!
Oscar Wilde,
who pedophiled
and was judg’d to have sinn’d, was from
Britain de-isled after 24 months in an old Reading
[Note: the sprite who once grinn’d on
his tomb has been filed, losing formerly
full genetalia
exiled upon
a damning discov’ry (he’d fought for the
starts humming: “Ennui! That’s the part that
censures, then co-
operates with Russian politbureaucratic
Is he in exile...? Nope, although he does reside in Tulsa,
Stefan Zweig! A-
djourns he my ga-
zette of pan-global exilit’ra-
You’d dis mine...? Where (for clerihew’s sake) reside
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Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Ev'ryone's '-ster'ing. (Gott! Even der Maus...?)
Auster pens novels, pure post-modern
Bluster of Doodyville’s grumpy ‘n’ gruff.
Custer claims fame for just taking a stand
Dumpsters…? Where half of the planet’s foods land.
Gloucester: Lear’s sidekick is Edmund’s old dad.
Hester (Ms. Prynne)…? One more good gal gone bad.
Hieronymus author’d this erudite coup.
The Court Jester jaws about “brew that is true.”
Munster’s a monster, though Fred Gwynne is not.
Nor’easters…? They blow up the East Coast…a lot.
Quaester (sic): Roman appointee (misspell’d).
Rochester…? Man Friday. (Benny’s excell’d.)
Ulster: the scene of some Irish dissension.
Vester…? “Of you” (Latin, second declension).
Youngster: some kid who’s inventive though tiny.
Zoroaster…? Composer of Gathas, in fine.
Bluster of Doodyville’s grumpy ‘n’ gruff.
Custer claims fame for just taking a stand
Dumpsters…? Where half of the planet’s foods land.
Easter: “He’s risen!” Let’s color
some eggs.
Forster: his novels, as film scripts,
have legs.Gloucester: Lear’s sidekick is Edmund’s old dad.
Hester (Ms. Prynne)…? One more good gal gone bad.
Ister (that’s Aethicus Ister to you)
sashays through the Cosmographia. (Who knew…?)Hieronymus author’d this erudite coup.
The Court Jester jaws about “brew that is true.”
Kapellmeisters’ keisters grow fat (all
that sittin’).
Lester of Leicester with lobster is
smitten.Munster’s a monster, though Fred Gwynne is not.
Nor’easters…? They blow up the East Coast…a lot.
‘Oldster’ is shorthand for – si!
-- senior cit.
Pollster: she’ll pick your brain – if
but a bit.Quaester (sic): Roman appointee (misspell’d).
Rochester…? Man Friday. (Benny’s excell’d.)
Sylvester Stallone plays a sinister
Twister: a cyclone. (Twinn’d twisters…?
A “twice”ster.)Ulster: the scene of some Irish dissension.
Vester…? “Of you” (Latin, second declension).
Worcester: the home of Quinsigamond
Xyster: guitarfish. Or surgical tool.Youngster: some kid who’s inventive though tiny.
Zoroaster…? Composer of Gathas, in fine.
Even Odder Couples
Ara and Demarco book a bedsit B&B:
"…just our
digs where's done ‘development and research’..." -- Ar ‘n’ Dee.
Beauregard and Arabelle, transcend our loveless era,
and suc-
cumb to Cupid's darts and shafts, becoming Beau ‘n’ Ara.
lista and her Derwood were invitees. (We say 'were'
because both
fail’d to show -- or did we fail to check our Cal ‘n’ Der?)
Deborah and Aaron, one sophisticated pair,
are known by
other debonaire young things as "raw-ther...Deb ‘n’ Aar."
Ebenezer flips for Florence. Fickle Florence, though,
runs hot and
cold. Those indecisive lovers! Call 'em 'Eb ‘n’ Flo.'
Frieda pulls, with Ethan Zane, some stunts which leave us queasy.
They’re so
breezy – “c'est la vie”zy. E’er so free be Frie ‘n’ E.Z.!
elda and Barretto keep a bird. Repeats this parrot,
"I'll de-
file thy domicile." (Just grin and bear it, Grin ‘n’ Barrett'!)
Hamnet, a polygamist, weds twice. (Both brides prove nags.
And, oddly,
both were christened 'Agatha.') Meet (don't eat!): Ham ‘n’ Ags.
Wendell's pledg’d, "I'd bed Iphigenia." Ah, but then,
Iph vows, "That's
only if and when we've said 'I do!'...as Iph ‘n’ Wen."
Justin and Tymothea,were decades past their prime.
The knot they
tied. Then up and died. (The two became one: Just ‘n’ Tyme.)
Kahtia weds Pickering, but soft...our plot grows thicker.
'Tain’t no
joke! A yoke of twins is born -- a little Kaht' ‘n’ Picker.'
Lemuel and Adrienne, two drys, our toast is made.
"Charge your
flutes, good friends, with lemonade. All fill’d...? To Lem ‘n’ Ade!"
Morris and Ramona: how their ardors overflow!
"I love you,
Mo!" "I love you, 'Mo'!" (Love mo' and mo' do Mo ‘n’ 'Mo'.)
Nehemiah and Tonette their calisthenics know:
"Hey, Neh'! Hey,
To'e! Please do that one call’d 'Head 'n' shoulder, knee 'n' toe'!"
Booker idolizes Oprah...sinker, line 'n' hook!
We trust Ms.
Oprah feels the same. They read just like an Ope ‘n’ Book.
Phillip and d'Blanca's hope to win the sweepstakes sank
because that
pair, Phil ‘n’ d'Blanc', forgot to -- first! -- "fill in de blank!"
Qisma and Telemachus: their book is selling well.
It’s titled
"Life Among the Gay: a Kiss and Tell" -- by Qis ‘n’ Tel.
Rodney versus Helen: neither wishes t'other well.
Says Rod to
Helen (as does Hel to Rod): "Your ass can rot in hell!"
Samuel and Rose, raw fish aficionados, know:
"no-no" with your salmon roe. "Banzai!" shout Sam ‘n’ Ro.
I question’d
Ahmet Ree and Trigve: "What be '2ab cos C'...?"
"Why, that's just
simple trigonometry," said Trig ‘n’ Ahmet Ree!
"Upton and his Atamantha," notes our latest datum,
"both have
chosen to keep dozin.'" Up 'n' at 'em, Up' ‘n’ Atam'!
(a work in progress)
Vergil and Bertha / virgin birth / Virg ‘n’ Berth.
Watson and Helen / Wat' 'n' Hel' / "What in hell...?”
Xavier and Grace / savin' grace / Xav' ‘n’ Grace
Yasser and Deedee / "Yass, indeed!" / Yas’ ‘n’ Deed’
resa said to Zedediah, "I wouldst have 'em bury
us as
one: "Here lies the very sedentary Zed' ‘n’ Terri."
"…just our
digs where's done ‘development and research’..." -- Ar ‘n’ Dee.
Beauregard and Arabelle, transcend our loveless era,
and suc-
cumb to Cupid's darts and shafts, becoming Beau ‘n’ Ara.
lista and her Derwood were invitees. (We say 'were'
because both
fail’d to show -- or did we fail to check our Cal ‘n’ Der?)
Deborah and Aaron, one sophisticated pair,
are known by
other debonaire young things as "raw-ther...Deb ‘n’ Aar."
Ebenezer flips for Florence. Fickle Florence, though,
runs hot and
cold. Those indecisive lovers! Call 'em 'Eb ‘n’ Flo.'
Frieda pulls, with Ethan Zane, some stunts which leave us queasy.
They’re so
breezy – “c'est la vie”zy. E’er so free be Frie ‘n’ E.Z.!
elda and Barretto keep a bird. Repeats this parrot,
"I'll de-
file thy domicile." (Just grin and bear it, Grin ‘n’ Barrett'!)
Hamnet, a polygamist, weds twice. (Both brides prove nags.
And, oddly,
both were christened 'Agatha.') Meet (don't eat!): Ham ‘n’ Ags.
Wendell's pledg’d, "I'd bed Iphigenia." Ah, but then,
Iph vows, "That's
only if and when we've said 'I do!'...as Iph ‘n’ Wen."
Justin and Tymothea,were decades past their prime.
The knot they
tied. Then up and died. (The two became one: Just ‘n’ Tyme.)
Kahtia weds Pickering, but soft...our plot grows thicker.
'Tain’t no
joke! A yoke of twins is born -- a little Kaht' ‘n’ Picker.'
Lemuel and Adrienne, two drys, our toast is made.
"Charge your
flutes, good friends, with lemonade. All fill’d...? To Lem ‘n’ Ade!"
Morris and Ramona: how their ardors overflow!
"I love you,
Mo!" "I love you, 'Mo'!" (Love mo' and mo' do Mo ‘n’ 'Mo'.)
Nehemiah and Tonette their calisthenics know:
"Hey, Neh'! Hey,
To'e! Please do that one call’d 'Head 'n' shoulder, knee 'n' toe'!"
Booker idolizes Oprah...sinker, line 'n' hook!
We trust Ms.
Oprah feels the same. They read just like an Ope ‘n’ Book.
Phillip and d'Blanca's hope to win the sweepstakes sank
because that
pair, Phil ‘n’ d'Blanc', forgot to -- first! -- "fill in de blank!"
Qisma and Telemachus: their book is selling well.
It’s titled
"Life Among the Gay: a Kiss and Tell" -- by Qis ‘n’ Tel.
Rodney versus Helen: neither wishes t'other well.
Says Rod to
Helen (as does Hel to Rod): "Your ass can rot in hell!"
Samuel and Rose, raw fish aficionados, know:
"no-no" with your salmon roe. "Banzai!" shout Sam ‘n’ Ro.
I question’d
Ahmet Ree and Trigve: "What be '2ab cos C'...?"
"Why, that's just
simple trigonometry," said Trig ‘n’ Ahmet Ree!
"Upton and his Atamantha," notes our latest datum,
"both have
chosen to keep dozin.'" Up 'n' at 'em, Up' ‘n’ Atam'!
(a work in progress)
Vergil and Bertha / virgin birth / Virg ‘n’ Berth.
Watson and Helen / Wat' 'n' Hel' / "What in hell...?”
Xavier and Grace / savin' grace / Xav' ‘n’ Grace
Yasser and Deedee / "Yass, indeed!" / Yas’ ‘n’ Deed’
resa said to Zedediah, "I wouldst have 'em bury
us as
one: "Here lies the very sedentary Zed' ‘n’ Terri."
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(Verses and images to come: a work in progress.) HAMPDEN DAMP HEN DAPHNE M. MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME H, P, M AND E …AND HEMP Bandid...

PWWL is pleased to acknowledge the participation of friend-of-blog JD in creating this item. Collaboration in name, collaboration in pro...
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