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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Club 'MED' (Unpub)

"ArMED…? Nossir! Dangerous…? You betcha!"
     Jean-luc Martinez, Louvre Director, describes
prized objet d'art Venus de Milo.
"Blow ME Down ‘n’ pick me up!"
     Kirk Douglas reprises Ned Land sea shanty
from Disney's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."
"CriME Dog's the name; baseball's the game!"
     Former Major League first baseman McGriff 
contemplates name ‘McGruff.’ 
"Don't know much about MEDieval thought;
don't know grammar near as good as I ought..."
     Mystery vocal stylist parodies Sam Cooke's
"What a Wonderful World This Would Be."
"Each droMEDary…? One! Each Bactrian…? Two!"
     Daniel Potts of The Silk Road Foundation 
opines on camel hump quantitization.
"FraMED! I was fraMED, I tell ya!"
     Dr. Sam Sheppard recalls his real-life saga
fictionalized in film "The Fugitive."
"GaME Day balls…? They're inflated to a gauge
pressure of between 12.5 and 13.5 psi."
     NFL's Dean Blandino summarizes league rule
during Ballghazi investigation.
"Howdy, hoMEDogs!"
     Sgt. Smithe-Magee mixes language registers
in opening remarks to audience at D.C. open mic.
"In MEDia res, baby: in MEDia res!"
     Roman lyric poet Horace describes where 
ideal epic poet ought to begin tale. 
"...Joe, ME Donkey want water; hold 'em Joe..."
     Belafonte quotes MacBeth quotes Manning 
using iconic calypso lyric.
"King ME, Davey!"
     Philistine Goliath importunes Hebrew David 
during Mideast checkers tourney.
"'LaME Duck'…? I'll give you 'laME Duck'!"
     Barack Obama confonts Mitch McConnell in 
Senate Coat Room.
"...MEDicinal purposes only, and I've felt poorly 
now for some fifty years."
     W. C. Fields paraphrases earlier comment 
on his much ballyhoo'd thirst.
"None naMED names!"
     Dalton Trumbo refers to his fellow Hollywood 
Ten colleagues.
"Oh, ME Darlin,' oh, me darlin'..."
     Huckleberry Hound sings -- incorrectly and 
off-key – a favorite ditty.
"...PomME De terre, creme fraiche, Gruyere 
     Jacques Pepin lists ingredients in recipe for
Pommes De Terre Macaire.  
"Question: when "Mr Ed" airs in France, is it 
call'd "M. ED"…?
     Walter R. Brooks, author of The Talking 
Horseinquires about residuals.
"ReMEDial Chaos Theory" nominated for an 
Emmy…? How cool is that!
     Chris McKenna, having penned that episode 
of "Community," enthuses.
"SoME Day my prince will come."
     Adriana Caselotti recreates Snow White voice 
first heard in famed Disney animated film.
"Try some MEDoc, Doc!" 
     Sarge riffs on Flanders and Swann's "Have 
Some Madeira, M'dear." 
"UnMEDicated...but I mean, of course, unmitigated..
     (Explanatory comment in preparation) 
"Vulcans observe first contact protocols without 
violating the Federation's PriME Directive."
      Gene Roddenberry discusses the superiority of 
certain alien races to humans.   
"Which way to MEDina…?"
     Muhammad solicits directions from passing 
camel driver.
"Xebecs…? Rarely sighted outside the MEDiterranean,
thanks to me and my brig-sloop Speedy." 
     Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald, 
reminisces about naval history.
"Your MEDium is your message."
     Marshall McLuhan misquotes himself.
fewer than six degrees of separation."  
     Frigyes Karinthy tests his theory.

China-ese Food (Unpub)

     The waitstaff stands queued,
seeming ripe for a feud...
All the foodstuffs they serve are call’d 
'China-ese food.'
While some won ton soup's sipp’d, 
dim sum  some, dumb -- gets chew’d.
Much too much of it's wok'd. 
Next to none of it's stew’d. 
(‘Tis "mein joy"*...soyved mit' soy sauce
that’s artisan-brew’d.)

      * Attributed to Karl and, often, Groucho Marx]
     note the first, leering lewdly,
his single eye glued... 
All the food here referr’d to's term’d
'China-ese food.'
But, if true, why’s the bird's nest soup
so misconstru’d…?
Is it, maybe, 'cuz over that bird's nest
one flew'd…?
Or, instead, because Jack's* 
one inscrutable dude…

      * Nicholson maybe, but more likely Soo.
     …on the second (no prude),
who's seen raising his rood...
All such food -- rainbow-hued -- they've nam’d
'China-ese food'
and how rarely be victu'ls
so var'ously hued!
Quite a lot be magenta'd;
no fewer be blued.
(Note how few of said hues 
seem the least bit subdued.
     …o'er the third (the most shrewd):
once his cow he's debut'd...
But which food might feed multitudes…?
China-ese food  
and don't they who partake
g’won to make quite a brood…?
Here sit I dress’d in jodhpurs;
my bride’s donn’d a snood.
As for kids near the koi pond…? 
They're totally nude.
     …has been heard, smelt and view’d
to have pitif'ly "moo"'d...
What's the "grub de millenium"…? 
China-ese food. 
It’s one scene de cuisine 
all have hotly pursued.
To enjoy four-whisk rest'rants,
my party's canoed.
(One's accessible 
via canal boats I've crew’d.)
     …she'll be rapidly "shoo!"'d
lest she "cop her a -tude"...
Sav'ries herein construed….? All call’d
'China-ese food': 
every dish is delicious  
beaucoup ballyhoo'd. 
When we sang for our supper,
near nobody boo'd, 
though six shixsas (sic) murmur'd. 
(We rubes rank’d 'em 'rude.')
     …i.e., mimic my mood,
while he, cummerbund trued...
Must the thrust of my etude stay 
China-ese food…?
To the key to its 'sprit 
am I secretly clued…? 
Yes, by Cantonese coolies
who're duly tattoo’d. 
(Note those pics on their pecs: 
aren't some skin artists crude…?)
     …after tuning his oud
the dude play’d as he wooed...
What are you to conclude in re
China-ese food…?
Just that some of it's beef'd; more's pork'd;  
none of it's gnu'd;
that its misuse of goose
now's been loosely review’d.
The consensus…? My sense is: 
geese best be eschew’d.
     …Himiltrude, al-Aboud:
this day both have since rued.

The Audacity of 'Ope-n' (Unpub)

Prologue (‘open a’ through ‘open c’)
(Andre's autobio) open’d –
in the open air’ll
     strike, oh, so
close to home, 'twill prove a tome
you'll open at your per’l.
open bars, this open book
reechoes drink reorders.
cocktail dresses, open back’d,
it breaches open borders.
open cities, texts like these
flaunt open-carry laws,
     as shut and
open cases lead to loads
of open-court guffaws.
End of Prologue
Part the First ('open d' through 'open j')
port-a-janes urge open drains," eggs 
Ag. "Ya see…? Flow's fine-ish. 
doors -- set policy! -- stay open 
every night 'til nineish."
fire!" bays Andre, running open 
field. "Give chase...apace! 
     Let's hope no
single sandwich leaves this court -- 
unless it's open-face."
plucking on his open grill in 
open G-string tuning,
     Ag be-
rates the open grates which open 
government is ru'ning.
Steffi, spouse, holds open house, her 
manner's open handed:
open heart -- mit surgery…? Nein, 
nein: not 'rekommanded.'"
op'ning day: To open JAR files 
be a jarring need.
     Let's hope nine
"jars" are open in a jiff. (Adds 
Steffi: "Yeff, indeed!")
End of Part the First
Entr'acte ('open k' through 'open m')
open kimono breeds
open-lip kisses (the
start of a smart open 
     while Ag's open
mouth, unrehears’d, hollers,
"Open me first!" – though they'd
best choose siesta at 
their age.
End of Entr'acte
Part the Second ('open n' through 'open y') 
"Open nose; then insert ring!" sings
one. "We're open Sunday!" 
     ''Try the
barbecue," insists the second.
"Best comestible, 'tis reckon’d.
Open pit has never beckon’d
You…? You'll try day!" 
Open quickly; open road and
Open Sesame!”
     Open season; open to (the 
public…and it’s free).
     Open up (your heart and let the
sun come shining in).
     Open vowels; open windows;
Open West (Berlin).
     Open Xmas (Eve, ‘til midnight). 
Open your valise!
     “Open… Open…” (Andre’s hopin’
we’ll desist and cease.)  
End Part the Second
Epilogue ('open z')
Open ze pie hole und 
button ze ey'z,
Steff eez to geev you your 
zuper zuprize."

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...