runs to hundreds -- nay: thousands! -- of pounds.
'Tis the same for coal "G,"
for coal "P" and coal "V."
Why not burn "Z" coal...?! 'Opa! (Yay! Zounds!)
He coughs! He coughs! He still at COVID scoffs.
He ails! He ails! He slows the US mails.
He swoons! He swoons! He Biden's mask impugns.
He bleeds! He bleeds! He still on junk food feeds.
He's chill'd! He's chill'd! He screams, "A wall I'll build."
He gasps! He gasps! His nurse's _____ he grasps.
He's down! He's down! His GOP skips town.
He mends! He mends! Our crucial vote impends.
He sought to thaw each thought he saw flee, frozen, from his mind. He peer'd again, then gear'd his pen, supposin' he'd...