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Monday, August 2, 2021

ABC Rhyme Songs (Some in 99)

1 The ABCs of Somebody Else

     1.1 Old rhyme, new bottle
H, A, K, J...B, C, D...
F, L, M, N...P, O, R, E, G...
Y, I, U...S, X, Q...
T, V, Z and W.
Sure it's new -- but, what the hey!
At least you know your H, A, K!
     1.2 New rhyme, scroll'd bottle:
B, C, D…? Like 'ea' in 'freak.'
H and A…? Like 'ai' in 'Spain.'
E, G, P…? Like 'ee' in 'geek.'
J and K …? Like 'ei' in 'reign.'
    T, V, Z…? Like 'ea' in 'speaks.'
L, F, N…? Like 'e' in 'hex.'
I and Y…? Like 'i' in 'yikes!'
M, X, S…? Like 'e' in 'sex.' 
     O…? Like 'o' in 'overblown.
U and Q…? Like 'ue' in 'blue.
R…? Not unlike 'ar' in 'fart.'
W…? Like 'trouble, nu…?' --
though, why three syllables…? Mon dieu!
I simply have no clue. Do you…?

2 Take It from Me

     2.1 Take It in Reverse!

Z, Y, X and W...
V, U, T and S, R, Q...
P, O, N plus M and L...
K, J, I, H (as in 'Hell')...
G, F, E, D, C, B, A.  
ABC, but backwards, eh…?  
(Demonstrate some flair, some flexes
when you sing your ZYXes!)

     2.2 Take It from Center to Edge!
M, N, L and O, K, P...
J, Q, I, R, H, S, G...
T, F, U and E, V, D...
W and C, X, B...
Y, A, Z: not Linear B
but just a spiral’d ABC.
     2.3 Take It from Here!
C, B, A and E, D, J…
P, G, H and T, V, K…
M, N, I and S, X, Q…
F, K, Y and R, O, U…
Z and (lastly) W:
(What's ^  ^  ^  ^ here…? A word or two from you.)

     2.4 Take It Straight! Then Take It Snak’d!

Straight stroked: A, E, F, H, T...
straight, as well: K, L, V, Z...
straight, too: M, N, X, and I...
W’s straight, too, like Y. 
The rest -- B, C, D, G and U... 
plus J, O, P and R, S, Q -- 
contain one curvy stroke (at least). 
(With that, this ABC's song's ceased.)
     2.5 Take My Order!

A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y. 
Each a vowel; on that you can rely. 
All the rest -- B, C, D, F and G
and H, J, K, L, M…plus N and P
and Q, R, S, T, V…plus X and Z 
(and W, the one anomaly) -- 
are consonants. At last: your ABC.
(Next time, recall: there's more than twenty three!)

Graphic Proof (Unpub)






  E MPOR   RY 


    MPOR   RY

P  RM  N  N

    M  O R RY

    RM  N  N

          OR  RY

    R   N   N 


           N  N 




Texts Best Left Unread (Unpub)

Alumni donation solicitation letter and accompanying 
multiple enclosures on which my name is misspelled – 
each time in a different way -- and on which my assigned 
graduation class date is incorrectly indicated

Blog entry posted by Ms. Mittens, Aunt Hortense's 
uppity Angora

Credits following any of the last several Rocky movies

Doctoral dissertation rigorously detailing certain modal 
irregularities observed by the candidate in several 
medieval Frankish Kyries

Edda-like poem designed for freshman Medieval 
English Lit class entitled "Eigil's Eighty-Eight Epic Exploits"

Fortune cookie insert employing typeface designed 
to look like Chinese characters

Government warning label outlining penalties for 
its removal sewn onto new rumpus room throw pillows

Hate mail addressed to 'Current Occupant'

Instruction manual (in German) for my ex-wife’s deceased 
Uncle Carl's reel-to-reel wire recorder

Junk mailings mistakenly delivered to neighbor and regularly 
returned to me by him

KKK regional quarterly newsletter

Letter from Santa thanking young Timmie for 
“the yummy milk and cookies”

Message in half-empty Thums Up bottle

Notae bene

Original Sanskrit vegan recipes listing 99 things 
to do with chickpeas


Quiz notes found in high-school yearbook from 1947

Russian translation of…anything

Secret decoder ring message detailing how to order 
secret decoder ring

To-do list of mine from last year jotted just prior 
to my second myocardial infarction  

Underwater-readable ransom note

Voyager golden record (facsimile) currently exiting 
the solar system 

Warning label on edible crayons manufactured 
in North Korea

Xmas Greetings from Topeka” family newsletter 
(in green ink on red stock) reputedly from 
cousin Bela’s black Lab.

You may already be a winner” direct mail envelope

Zen koan incorporated into geranium tattoo 
on blind date’s left bicep


A Textual Countdown (Unpub)

   "Approach but do noT ENter," said...

           …author Anais NIN, Enjoying a certain…

            "…one must wEIGH The options, of course, but...

          …yes, Adam, yeS, EVE, No, Mr. Serpent…

                 si, Fidel, SI, Xavier, no, Raul…

                 …but only iF IVE not been assassinated…"

          …report some oF OUR aircraft missing, having fallen...

       …into the river wiTH REEl and rod…

                  “…but thaT  WOuld be wrong,” added Mr. Nixon…

       …placing several ON Each doorstep. Then...

       …through the maZE, ROund the fountain…

                                                                 …and on into orbit.

The Death of Punctuation at Hands of Tweet (Unpub)

     Have rumors of its death been exaggerated…?


Ampersands…? Their fates be varied: 

[ ] dwindling  [ ] dying  [ ] dead & buried.

Apostrophe’s done: illit ratis have won.

The asterisk…? It's dead! (Just like Jack Dorsey *said.)

     * CEO of Twitter

Say a prayer for the bracket. Good lad. [Couldn’t hack it.]


The bullet has abused for years its

· .  mentors

· .     minions

   .   bosses

·.    peers


The death of the caret…?  Mon frere   cannot bear it.


Adieu to cedillas: “Leçons pour gorillas.” *

     * Says my bro (whom I love).

       (He’s the bloke from above.)

Retir’d is the colon:

more time to go bowlin’...?


As for daggers (single, double)…?

Dead as dormice dipp’d in honey

or some Raphi cucullati --

or the freakin’ Easter Bunny.

     † A delicacy served at ancient Roman banquets     

     ‡ Extinct dodos 


Life sans the comma…?

No comma, no drama!


Dashes dead -- em and en --?

Just a matter of when.


The mark of exclamation’s gone,

eradicated. Let's move on!


To the misters who’ll miss

their ellipsis: Boo! Hiss-s-s-ss!


The full stop is gone.

It’s hung, quarter’d and drawn.


Leave it to the hyphen

to insert its two-edged knife in.


Next for parentheses…?

Epitaphs. (RIPs).


The pilcrow’s under stress…

But now I must digress…


Quotes known as curly

are past their prime, surely!


“The ditto,” they said.

         , he dead!”*

     * Like Conrad’s Mr. Kurtz, perhaps.


Diaereses…just on leave…?

How can you, Friend, be so naïve…?

Missing Middle Initials (Unpub)

A.  Milne, Y.  Tittle, Desir Armfeldt, "...Witch Woman..."
Louis Meyer, Alice Toklas, Cecil DeMille, Johnny Goode, Ab Hoffman
Jennie Riley, Arthur Clarke, W. Fields, C. Rider, K. Jones, M. Hammer

John Rockefeller, Robert Nero, Kermit Frog

Robert Lee, e. cummings, John Depp, Tom Tomorrow

John Kennedy, William Buckley, Hugh Ner

Edward Robinson, Warren Harding, Geor Porgey

D. Lawrence, Jesus Christ!

M. Blue, Dal Llama

Oliver Dragon, Simple Malarkey, Lee Cobb, Stephen Gould
Shai Ophir, W. Kellogg

John Lewis, John Sullivan, L. Cool-J, L. Bean

I. Pei, George Cohan

Sgt. (“Jim”) Smithe-Magee, Morg LeFay, Em Em

David Selznik, Scarlett Hara

J. Morgan, I. Freeley

John Public, Robert Lewis, Herr l'Poirot

Edward Murrow, Babb the Elephant

Ulysses Grant, B. Pully

P. Barnum, P. Green

R. Sleeping, Moon Zappa

Eugene Debs, Har Lembeck 

George Bush

Francis Bushman

E. Harburg, Hy d'Andansome

John DeLorean, Maire Doats 

Homonominems (Unpub)

Oliver and Oliver: 
a Hardy and a dragon.
A Remus with a Remus: 
one’s an uncle; one found Rome.
An Aron plus an Aaron: 
one’s OT and one’s a Trask.
Bert 'n' Bert:
a Muppet…and a Bobbsey, when at home.

A Castor and a Castor: 
one’s an oil and one’s a brother.
Dum with Dumb: 
a Tweedle and a cinematic fuck.
George plus George: 
the first’s a Founding Father; two’s a Weasley.
A Huey 'n' a Huey: 
one’s a rock star; one’s a duck. 

Luke and Luke: 
evangelist and Star Wars film persona.
Cubs and Kubs: 
a baseball team and scions of Br’er B’ar.
A patty and a Patty: 
one’s a burger; one’s a Bouvier.
Roy and Roy: 
one’s Arundhati; one’s a cowboy star.

An Archie and an Archie: 
one’s a roach and one’s a comic.
Dale and Dale: 
a chipmunk and a cowgirl (wife of Roy’s).
A Minnie and a Minnie: 
one’s a Driver; one’s a rodent.
A Thompson and a Thomson: 
twin detectives – Tintin’s boys.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...