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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Prosopogostichs for Louisa May Alcott

Not unpleasant to know...? L. M. Alcott.
Lou (like Anne, Charl and Emily Bronte)
penn'd no tomes treating Jersey Joe Walcott,
Joe's obsessions (Joe loved three-card Monte),
or Joe's sleep habits -- Joe used a small cot,
not a Hollywood King as did Ponti, 
who's been heard to cry, "Let's to bed, Alcott!
Abudanza, Louisa! Avanti!"

     * Italian film producer Carlo Ponti 

Three Exquisite Corpseless Limericks

There’s this guy, do or die, Bernie Sanders.
Pumpkin pie, ham on rye, Peter panders.
Merwyn Peake, so to speak.
Wednesday week, hide-‘n’-seek.
Please stand by, eye for eye, geese or ganders.

Lived this man, cheek of tan, Don DeLillo.
Spic and Span, Ku Klux Klan, cigarillo.
Come to grief, twelve-mile reef.
Are ye “deef”...? Where’s the beef...?
Or (to pan the Qur’an): “Armadillo!”

‘Twas this bloke, country folk, Raul Julia.
Pig-in-poke, Roanoke. (Would I fool ya...?)
Over there, share 'n' share. 
Truth or dare, braid the hair.
Take a toke, have a soak, hallelujah!

Islands In The Stream Of Consciousness


Repost: Film Flam or Pointed Digests of Cinema Classics

     1939 The Wizard of Oz
In Oz, your monkeys soar, your wizards roar.
You’re not, young Dot, in Kansas anymore.

     1939 Gone with the Wind
More ante-bellum “bim-bam, thank you, ma’am”...?
Quite frankly, Yankees just don’t give a damn.

     1941 Citizen Kane
What nonsense! “Rosebud!” signifies no sled.
To wit, Kane’s lit. “Rosé, Bud!”’s what he said.

     1942 Casablanca
Though famed for Bogart’s bid, “Again, Sam! Play it!”
the question bides: did Bogie even say it...? 

     1950 All About Eve
A bitter Bette rides the stairs. (Takes flight…?)
“Make fast your 'belts. This bodes a bumpy night.

     1954 On the Waterfront
Steiger’s Chas “The Gent”; Lee Cobb’s the jerk.
Mauldin’s priest goads Marlon’s brash Young Turk.
Saint, god knows, as good as goes berserk.
But who’s the dude who crows, “Let’s go to work!”...?

     1979 Alien
“Aliens!!” cries poor Sigourney’s team.
(C'est space, alors: c'est none can hear 'em scream.)

Repost: You'd Chase Nice Views...?

You'd chase nice views of northern lights...? 
Aurora Borealphabet.
You'd waste one -- two...? -- licentious nights...? 
Explore the Bacchanalphabet.

An ABC with sage brush in its hair...? 
Hi, Chaparralphabet!
An eighteenth-cent'ry-age salonnière 
you'd tap...? De Staëlphabet.

Who’d brave an ABC with cheese 
needs taste test Ermanthaalphabet.
Who craves a futh of females...? He's 
obsessed! (La Femme Fatal'phabet...?)

This ABC shows war is hell: ye
gads! Guadalcanalphabet!
View Abie's Seafood Smorgas/Deli...? 
Say: “Kogod's Halalphabet.”

Armenian; Cyrillic; Greek...?
In Internationalphabet.
A Montreal Québécois geek 
employs a joyful Joualphabet.

Where letters flourish under stress 
one finds Kilopascalphabet.
Where letters nourish one, repress-
sing calories...? Lo-calphabet.

Where’s Para toda mal y para toda bien!"...? 
Which proto-ABC's from way-back-when...? 

     * The Mezcalphabet translates its motto as follows:
"Tis good when things are goin' great and good when
things are not first rate."

Its E's for 'Earp.' Its D's for 'Doc.' Its O's...? 
OK Corralphabet.
"Outstanding...and they're mild..." -- 'cept up your nose: 
the vile Pall Mallphabet.

You favor glyphs o'er runes and letters...? 
You savor stiffs who moon their betters...? 
Have a go at Ralphabet!

For barnacles and salps...and oysters, too...? 
South Africans....? there's but one choice for you. 
Ta-da! Transvaalphabet.

Type 'h, t, t, p, colon, double slash...' 
Get URLphabet.
If you love knights, round tables, swords with swash, 
you’ll love the 'Val'phabet! ABC in cans of Campbell's soup...? 
Oh-oh! Another -- in Iran's "encounter group": 

In southern climes, y’all take yer time 'n' all...
to drawl y’all’s Y'allphabet.
An ABC for Jerry, Izzy...all the Zals...? 
Ze Zalphabet.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...