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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Selfie Sketchbook: Terrorism Takes A Pair Of Poses

The Domestic Terrorism Cellfie 

     Pose One
We're white, supreme...the Master Race,
'n' foreign-born but fer God's grace.
Ya'll girlie girls best learn yer place.
(Does tinfoil headgear spoil my face....?)
   We're proud. We're loud. We're MAGA's base.
We march the Mall, spray ya'll with mace...
though White House docs Drumpf does misplace
'n' tyrants' rants Drumpf does embrace.
(My cap is made of foil 'n' lace.)
   We synagogues 'n' mosques deface. 
Us dudes das Juden won't replace.
That Holocaust did not take place.
(My tinfoil hat glean'd that from space.) 

     Pose Two
   To Pence 'n' Nancy we give chase.
We'd hang 'em both to make our case
for burnin' down this frickin' place.
(My tinfoil tam scans scams from space.)
   While climate change will us outpace,
asylum seekin' we'll erase.
Our cons to Don will throw each race. 
With Dems we'll never interface.
(My hat of tin tunes din to space.)
   Of shame we show no hint nor trace. 
We'll not stand down; we'll not lose face. 
(My tin-foil cap maps raps from space. 
We pack AK-s, though, just in case.)

Selfie Sketchbook: Peter...


Pete Pumpkineater's Pumpkin Shellfie

Our Peter a dilemma's got:
his strife 'n' trouble* nags...a lot.
(Plus, who's that squash what crash'd Pete's shot...?)
     *'Trouble-'n'-strife' is 
Cockney rhyming slang for 'wife.'

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...