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Monday, August 1, 2022

Dog Days Doggerels: Today's States of Play in the US of A or Where Were You When the World Ended...?

“When going’s tough, the tough get going,”
Socrates scolds Saturday. 
(“When rowing’s rough, the rough go rowing"'s 
rarely read this latter way.) 
[As for me...? I phone for towing. 
Yes I can!” I cannot say.] 
Woods 'n' weeds in Westworld...? Glowing. 
Fires 'n' floods leave natives numb. 
Mountains...? Mummified: no snowing!
How'll fresh water now forthcome...? 
[As for me...? I’m “Me is woe!ing. 
(Or I, worse, play deaf and dumb.)] 
White supremacists keep crowing.
Equal rights...? Whose...? (Let me see...)
Unrav'ling homeland quilts need sewing
if we'd democratic be.
[As for me...? I'm towels in throwing.
Purple states look grey to me.]

Drumpf would plumpf for "Quid pro quo"ing,
acts transactional enact.
Far-fringe-right-wing horns keep blowing:
Pence 'n' Congress hacks attack'd!
[As for me...? I'm white flags showing,
yearning for altern'tive fact.]

CEOs at Shell and Boeing 
vie for share, cry “I’ve got dibs!” 
Homeless...? Starved, their numbers growing. 
(Note those frail unbloated ribs!) 
[As for me...? With Homer “Doh!”ing, 
wan, we don our lobster bibs.]

Economies...? All stall'd or slowing.
Quickly ocean temps wax hot.
Clouds appear -- clouds of unknowing.
Learning left us...? Not a lot.
[As for me...? I'm "cuppa joe"ing.
(I've this javaddiction got.)]

Ask'd "Are reparations owing...?"
whites reply, "Why'd I be fined...?
Slave stuff pass'd 'fore I got going."
[As for me...? The same old bind:
I'm "to 'n' fro"ing, "yes 'n' no"ing...:
when will it wake up (my mind)...?]

Is one answer "sis 'n' bro"ing...?
Malcolm thought so; so did King.
On each creature, love bestowing...?
Shall such salve solve ev'rything...?
[As for me...? I must be going
while's left time for one last fling.]

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...