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Monday, July 26, 2021

Endorsements & Endorsers: Cheeze Louize (Unpub)

"Like ambergris," attests Aziz,* "it tweaks the “chic” in Cheeze Louize!"
   * Iraqi politico Tariq
Bea's* Bichon Frise won't bark for bries. Its choice of chow’s now Cheeze Louize!
     * Comedienne Lillie
Note comic Cleese:* both John's chemise and dungarees hide Cheeze Louize!
     * Python John 
“What drubs disease and dread DTs…? And housemaid's knees…?" asks DeLuise.*
     * Part of Dom’s endorsement

 King Presley’s pleas: “I’ve expertise with -Js (PB-s) plus Cheeze Louize!”*
      * Pop King Elvis
“Rededicated…? ‘Fur Elise’ -- and symphonies -- to Cheeze Louize.”*
     * Composer von Beethoven
“Insurrections…? GOP's. Them Democrats vote ‘Cheeze Louize.’”*
     * Speaker Pelosi
“Who s not heartless heart disease embraces tasty Cheeze Louize.”*
    * Cleveland cardiologist E. Blume
“When Xmas finds you ill at ease, humg stockings fill with Cheeze Louize.”*
     * Mrs. Claus.
“They’ve sushi flom us Japanese. Oul gift to U.S.…? Cheeze Rouize.”*

     * Ambassador Sugiyama
“To burnish bright Kay Kyser's Keys, I wax ‘em well with Cheeze Louize.”*
     * Cornetist/factotum Kabibble  
“To head off deadly Lyme disease, mix juice of lime with Cheeze Louize.”*
     * Dr. Fauci
“Mac ’n’... (not ‘whatever’!) Jeez! Non sine qua…? That’s Cheeze Louize.”
     * Chef Pepin
“Best Saltine Spread: the nominees…? Aioli…zhug…and Cheeze Louize.”
     * Emcee Parks  
“No Drumpfster sees it overseas while I am POTUS.”* (Cheeze Louize!)
     * Loser Drumpf
“No ardent pleas. No ‘pretty please,’" pens P. De Vries. "More Cheeze Louize!”*

     * Author Peter

"A thair of prees, my kneen bee's quees, each pair prepared with in Leeze Chouize."*

     * Rev. Spooner

Three referees; one disagrees: "Don't rear trainees with Cheeze Louize."*

     * Anonymous NBA assistant coach

"When Jesus sees the Sadducees the Torah seize, he wheezes, 'Cheeze!'"

     * From apocryphal gospel of Dudel

"Tennessee is keen on ghees. Mississipp'ans...? Cheeze Louize."

     * Tennessee governor Bill Lee (!)

"My Uncle Mies design'd this frieze with blocks of bries and Cheeze Louize."

     * Nephew Ludwig

"Vis-a-vis these victories: cite Victor. He's for Cheeze Louize."*

     * Victor's mum 

"The world agrees that whirled peas rhymes not with 'fleece' nor 'Cheece Louice.'"*

     * P. Simon

"Ho! Xmas trees! Yo! Xmas trees! O, Xmas trees...? No: Cheeze Louize."
     * Sinterklaas aide Zwarte Piet 

"No, you're not 'you's. Yes, yes, you’re ‘ye’s: an antique take on 'Cheeze Louize.'"

     * Archaic archivist M. Minemist

"From 'ambergris' to 'Zuiderzee's'; cease, ABCs of Cheeze Louize!"*

     * Poetaster Poe

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...