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Friday, July 28, 2023

Calendar Caliente in Couplets for August, 2023

     Published at PWWL years ago and 
currently more relevant than ever.

It’s hot! (Tres hot: luke warm it's not.) 
Ann Miller got it: "...too darn hot!" 
Da's AC's shot. Ma's…? Gone to pot. 
Cole Porter'd jot it: "...too darn hot!"
It's hot! (Think not…? You don't know squat.)
So-o-o-o hot one's snot tends not to clot.
One's nose approximates a Brät, 
while lucid thoughts turn most exot-
-ic: dream scenes fraught with Lancelot 
and Ladies of Shalott, Mahat- 
-ma Gandhi, Andy Kohut, Lot-
te Lenya, diva Montserrat
Caballé, sheiks who reek of rot-
-ten leeks in oil of Bergamot, 
or else Benoit B. Mandelbrot 
(whose fractal "ahtI like a lot).
Be you quadruple bi-pass’d tot; 
be you the Hoople christen'd Mott; 
don pinstripe, check or polka dot; 
inhab McMansh or vacant lot; 
prefer weak tea or pepper pot 
(if tea, amithat says a lot);
be sri or sultan, late of Swat, 
prefer straight lace or gordian knot;
be you robotic or karat-
-e maven -- you may need a shot --
if not, at least some bottled wat'... 
("Some what…?" you query.) Water, twat!
("Oo-o-o-oops! Just the fluid I'd forgot.") 
Who's else is hot (though Turandot...
is not)…? Why, Robert Falcon Scott 
of the Antarctic: "...'Sbloody hot!"
Who else is hot…? Hell's Margey Schott, 
pro-Nazi sot: "Mein Gott! Ich's hot!"
(Who else is hot…? Anwar Sadat.) 
My cot, though in a shady spot,
feels, lately, like a lobster pot: 
it makes me wish I'd got a yacht...
...or could lay hands on your garrotte. 
At least, thank god,  need not trot...
...(tho' true, I domore oft than not). 
But why's it hot...? Have you forgot...?
America's a "melting pot." 
In any case, there lies this spot --
it’s but a blot, a teensy dot – 
a beauty spot quite comely…? Not! -- 
upon die Sonne...done! It's hot. 
(Or, like as not, some knotty plot...
...of Aeroflot's, or, p'rhaps, Pol Pot's.) 
Kool-Aid, it's said's, verboten: "...Dot-
Yet, 'til the Trane Man** states he's got...
     * Morse code's 'S.O.S.'
     ** Not the great jazz tenor player but 
         the heating and air-conditioning maven. 
...our S.O.S, it's still hot, wot
Some cooler spot to plant one's "bott"…?
You'll find no tittle -- not one jot. it me or is it not...
...just that much hotter since I sta't-
ed jotting down this Ode De Hot…?
It's hot! So what…? There's simply 'not-'
hing to be done...but kvetch alot.
Cole got it right: It’s too darn hot. 
(Ol' Cole's a rotter: too damn hot!)
How's 'bout a cool September song…? 
("September In The Rain"’s not long.)

More Bad Mothers (from "Bum Mums, Nursery Edition")

A gander is her chauffeur,
an aide she paid big dough fer.
The head of her security's an owl.
And she...? She's, plain to see,
from clan Anatidae.
It's clear: the atmosphere here's (fairly) fowl.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...