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Thursday, March 1, 2018

"Belief in the Aawl..." Mystery Menagerie: Abecedarial Hommage à Gorey

Belief in the Aawl 
remains aawlfully small.
What's known of the Bryll 
is, essentially, nil.

Apropos the Clampoo, 
I'm as clueless as you.
Expert probes of the Drune…? 
Discontinued last June.

Concerning the Erd 
I've heard nary a word.
R&D on the Flopt...? 
Ex officio stopp'd.

Should I crossbreed the Glanz...? 
Though I could, I've no plans.
Once endanger'd, the Hyst 
now's been scratch'd from that list.

The Ilk lost its ears. 
(Heaven knows how it hears.)
I disparaged the Jang. 
Then some fat lady sang.

The Klaavoy...? Stillborn 
on a voyage 'round the Horn.
How the Lhugee survives...? 
By ingesting its wives.

Ask'd to take in a Mhanx, 
I said, "Thanks but no thanks."
So: how cool is the Nuyk, 
one part dog, two parts duck!

Pay respects to the Ong, 
but don't tarry too long.
Time reported the Phryfe 
lives in fear for its life.

Have you seen the Qabaz...? 
Face it: nobody has.
Both blogs 'bout the Rholld...? 
Evidently on hold.

he life of the Schtook 
fills one very small book.
What's the knack of the Tyghte...? 
Why, to hide in plain sight.

Sad: the last living Uew 
died in 2002.
Sure, the Vardovalette 
makes a toler'ble pet.

All the Wargs "went extinct" 
once we'd seen how they shrink'd.
Yes, the Xanthano can 
catch the Gingerbread Man.

The Yegarrara pair 
interlaces its hair.
I know the Zeezughzint 
would love to...but doesn't.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...