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Friday, October 16, 2020

Oh, ConeyGirl: A Supreme Courting Song

with Bomb
    (The verses below are to be sung -- 
indeed they must be sung for 
best effect -- to the tune of a 1909 popular song, "My Pony Boy.")

Drumpf adores you, don' he, girl!
Take some heat,
then a seat on our highest court.
Plan, in sum...?
Just keep mum: you'll be soon confirm'd. 
Antonin-Clarence kin! (Bader Gin-...? No-o-o-o!)
Oh, ConeyGirl!

Now you're Mitch's crony, girl.
Founders' bents trump 'em -- so you say.
Wade v Roe...? 
Gotta go, as does ACA.
Lexual. Textual. (Sexual...? Who-o-oa!)
Oh, ConeyGirl.

Dems feel you're a phony, girl.
stand no chance. Long gun bearers thrive.
Peopl'of Praise
damn the gays. Where do you come down...?
COVID flays. World malaise. (End of Days...? Doh!!)
Oh, ConeyGirl.

The Placozoa Chronicles: Episode 44: Viral Vixen

with Shield 

     Ep. 44: L O A A P O C Z: Lo: a…a…pocz!

There once dwelt a flu-bearing fox
who, while otherwise heterodox,
spread his virus through town.
When the whole town came down,
I, immune, shouted, “Lo: a…a…pocz!”

Breaking News: This Just In

with Whip

On Friday,
October 16th,
at noon Eastern time,
Vice President Mike Pence
announced the appointment
of the newest member of Trump's
White House Corona Virus Task Force:
Dr. Novak Seene.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...