Poet Poe pens nonsense verse.
"...plus phun," puns Uly, "I disburse."
Its gamut runs from spam to worse.
The matter posted...? Poe's diverse --
most, postcards from his universe,
replies to grudges he must nurse.
My summary...? Let me be terse:
a mitzva, mostly. (Not a curse.)
Trick knees: patella luxation. Knick'd trees: white pine pilferation. Moral: Bend 'em or lend 'em! Ride a cock horse: an occurrence you brave in life when, a young gent, on Da's bent knee you're set. "Hide a rock...? 'Course!": an assurance to knave cum wife, "I'll bury baubles you burglarize, Pet." Moral: Mind your hubby! Find your hobby!