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Monday, May 4, 2020

Harold Ross: Who He...?*

     * A question Ross routinely asks his writers.

     Ross reportedly believes that the only two 
people everyone in the English-speaking world 
is familiar with are Harry Houdini and Sherlock 
                                                 -- Wikipedia
Harold Ross, The New Yorker’s pere,
holds Anglo tongues lacking in savoir faire.
The only names stored in their chromosomes
are Harry Houdini and Sherlock Holmes.
     But Harold Ross, The New Yorker’s pere,
to edit and publish his ‘zine with flair,
brings so-o-o much more to subscribers’ domes
than Harry Houdini and Sherlock Holmes.
     And Harold Ross, The New Yorker's pere.
having gall to spare (chutzpah...? More than his share),
inquires of one best-seller (why...? 'Cuz he can!):
"Moby Dick: be he the whale or the man...?"

(More "Harold..." to come: a work in progress) 

Runcibl'd Spooner: Revisiting the Salodeum or Where's My Stimulus Check, Steve...?

"Thieving sodium's (like) crim'nal,"
sings the Treasury's own hymnal.
Fret not! Secretary Mnuchin
offers saline absolution.

'Tis so-o-o unfair! I stand impugned
of (as)salting Steve, an open wound.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...