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Monday, September 7, 2020


      All are local. 
                     -- QTip O'Neill, politician
     Some are loco.
                     -- Qlysses Poe, poetaster 

Politics…? Jeux déjà vu,

revisiting my lawn, your loo,

as one e. g., consider Q:

'tis always spotted someplace new.

     Mattel, with boist'rous ballyhoo,

brings forth, for GOP review,

a polypoppet (Bouffant...? Blue!):

hot alt-right moll/doll, Barbie Q.

     “Oklahoma!”…?  Right on cue,

a new production. (Overdue!)

Act I: who sings, “Oh, what a beau-…”…?

'Tis far-right ranch hand Curly Q.

     Some crave a culinary coup,

a white-supremacist-type stew

deserving of the Cordon Bleu.

Viet Nam boasts this broth: Phở Q.

     Politics…? Just déjà vu.

Once more, the porch. (The bedroom, too.)

Do voters need a talking to...?

Yep! One example...? Take (Plee-eeze!) Q!

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...