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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Repost: The Ant O' Nin

You've read, in blogs, of superdogs 
(remember Rin Tin Tin...?),
of supergirls and superwogs 
(think Kipling’s “Din! Din! Din!”),
of supermen and superflies. 
(You haven't...? Where've you been...?)
Now read the tale of superjudge
the awful Ant o’ Nin!

Although ‘Scalia’ was the name 
by which he’d thought to tame
the tsetses of judicial fame, 
he Ant o’ Nin became.
From Nin he hail'd. From Nin he bail'd: 
“I’ll never live with Ninnies!”
(Quite normal, this: Ant’s norm’s to dis 
all gypsys, gooks 'n' guineas.)

Though born of men, he morphosed when, 
a callow wen of three,
he’s bitten by Formicidae 
on whom he tried to pee.

[To be continued]

"Cognoscere" Conjugational

I now know (that’s something new)
that she now knows (yeah, he knows, too)
that we now know (as knows my gnu)
that they now know -- as so do you.
Your crew now knows – of course they do --
that it now knows. (Is ‘it’ a ‘who’...?)
Now, lest is risk'd more déjà vu,
this conjugational's through, nu...?

Me And My Shadow: A Constrain'd Alphabet

A initials 'alter ego.' 
Mon ami y mi amigo.
A starts, too, 'another you.' 
"Y'all both got bubbe’s eyebrows, nu...?"

B initials 'body double.' 
Takes the heat in times of trouble.
B, as well, starts 'blizniak.'
(Too late to send that brother back.)
     * Polish for 'twin.'
C initials 'corollary.' 
One’s okay; two's kinda scary.
C, as well, initials 'clone.' 
(How nice to know one’s not alone!)

D initials 'dvyniai.'* 
(The elder’s straight; the younger’s bi-.)
D, as well, starts 'dopplegang.' 
That’s twice – at least! – the postman rang.
     * Lithuanian for 'twin.'

E starts 'extra pair of hands.' 
She goes to bat. She understands.
E, as well, starts 'evil twin.' 
Take care! ‘Sno telling where it's been.

F initials 'faithful friend,' 
one’s kemo sabe. Help he’ll lend.
F starts, in addition, 'fetch.' 
"Which kid’s the khaver, which the kvetch...?"

G initials 'gemini.' 
(A pair I know’s call'd Clem ‘n’ Cy.)
G, as well, starts 'gimoozaabi.'* 
(Etymology’s my hobby.)
      * Ojibwe and Potawatomi for “he/she looks out in secret.” A version of the word was made famous as part of the Lone Ranger saga.

H initials 'hologram.' 
Both boys; both bald. (One sports a tam.)
H initials 'Hortons.'* Tom 
(with Addie)...? Famous soaps phenom.
        * Twins, one of whom appears on soap opera "Days of Our Lives"

I starts 'ihmiskaksoset.'* 
A pickle to pronounce...? You bet
I intials 'Ito teens.' 
Of Nippon Pop they're former queens.
     * Footnote to come: a work in progress

J initiates 'jumeau.'* 
(Have I the accent right...? Who’d know!)
J begins 'Johansson,' too. 
Young Hunter’s Scarlett’s twin. (Who knew...?)

K initiates 'karoha,' 
twin in Samar (not Samoa).
K, as well, kicks off 'kembar,' 
heard mispronounced on NPR.

L initials 'lookalike.' 
(Is not Tot Two the cuter tyke...?)
L, as well, initials 'likeness' – 
equal parts sauvage and "tyke"ness.

M initials 'mirror image.' 
Each exchange with him’s a scrimmage.
M, as well, starts 'matching set.' 
Brings meanings new to ‘tete-a-tete.’

N initials ‘nother self.' 
Both crow, “My bro’s a freakin' elf.”
N, as well, starts 'Norvo girls.' 
(That ‘s Mim and Liv to you, you churls.)

O initials 'opp’site number.' 
One be dumb and Two be dumber.
O, as well, starts 'Olsen twins.' 
Much like those Norvos, for their sins.

P initiates 'pretender.' 
(One’s of unspecific gender.)
P, as well, starts 'Polish Pair.' 
These twins make films. (Pretend you care.)

Q initiates 'quintuplet.' 
Paired’s a triplet with a couplet.
Q initials Brothers 'Quay.' 
They’re into film and puppet play.

R begins 'reciprocal.' 
One sib is hip; one sib is dull.
R, as well, begins 'reflection.' 
Viva natural selection!

S initials 'symbiant.' 
(Can you name ev’ry Dax...? I can’t)
S, as well, starts 'surrogate.' 
Resemblances seem clear…somewhat.

T initials 'Tweedle brothers.' 
Selfsame father; diff'rent mothers.
T starts 'twin' as well as 'tvilling': 
flesh and spirit both unwilling.

U initials 'Ubermensch,' 
the better self (in Deutsch, not French).
U, as well, starts 'ut’rine double.' 
Both survive…within a bubble.

V starts 'verisimilar' – 
not fine when Heinrich Himmilar.
V, as well, starts 'vardøger.' 
To play the twin’s been hard on ‘er.

W starts 'Wetherbee.' 
He’s Tony’s twin. A wether, he.
W starts 'wulawa.' 
Both simulacra drool, a flaw.

X starts 'xystos.' X starts 'xyst.' 
They’re language doublets. (Don’t get piss'd.)
X, as well, starts 'Xerox copy.' 
(She’s so slick. Why’s he so sloppy...?)

Y initials 'Young.' One's Will. 
Twin Rupert fills this double bill.
Y initials 'yokalogue.' 
This pair’s enough to choke a blog.

Z...? That letter kickstarts 'zwilling' 
(two’s okay, though three prove chilling)
and 'Zikarsky' (Bjorn und Bengt). 
Enough with twins. My vision’s spent.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...