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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A Is For A! An Illustrated Alphabet in Verse: Letter W

Herbert Walker 
play'd the hawk, Herr 
Prescott play'd the banker.
Jeb play'd pol,
while W,* y'all 
recall, play'd quite the _______.**

     * 'Dub'-ya.' ** 'Rank heir,' 'canker,' 
'wanker,' '(blank)er'...? 

A Is For A! An Illustrated Alphabet in Verse: Letter V

There's Wade v Roe. 
There's Brown v Bo'-.
There's Griswold v Connecticut.
What's pendin'...? Me 
v Tweeledee*
in re that bouncin' check he cut.

     * Other mss show variants here; among them:
"Tennessee" (the playwright), "Park Chung-hee" 
and "Kenny G." One even shows "Smithe-Magee." 
(Tho' why would poetaster Poe sue an alter ego?) 

World Heritage Fruit, Vegetable & Cereal Grain Architecture Sites in Series, Series Four, Number Four -- New South Wales, The Sydney Hop'ra House

"New South Wales: The Sydney Hop'ra House"
by Ulysses Poe
chemical marker and colored pencils
on copy paper, digitally modified
11" by 8 1/2"
Who’s daft 
for draft
and Jo-
hann Straus
ser of
Die Fle-
must make 
a point 
to, with 
his spouse,
drop by 
the Syd-
ney Hop-
‘ra House.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...