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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

100+ World Heritage Fruit, Vegetable & Cereal Grain Architecture Sites

by Ulysses Poe
chemical marker on copy paper,
digitally modified
8 1/2" by 11" 
     Items whose verses and images are completed appear in boldface type.

The Leaning Tower of Peas (Italy)
Lloyd Wright's Falling Watercress (Pennsylvania)
The AlaMorel (Texas)
The Sisteench Apple (Rome)
The Gateway Archichoke (Saint Louis)
The Forbidden Citrus (China)
The Brandenburg Date (Germany)

Hadrian's Walnuts (UK) 
Big Bean (UK) 
Xanadurian (California) 
The Nazca Limes (Peru)
Carrotatids (Greece) 
Kiwi West (Florida)
Yamkee StadiYam (New York)
Fennel Hall (Boston)
The Boyhood Home of Robert E. Leek (Virginia)

Glast-on-Berry (UK) 
La Scallion (Milan)
Rutabodega Ysios (Spain)
The London Tuber (UK)
Grapesland (Tennessee) 

The Magnolia Plantaintion (Charleston) 
The Calabashtille (Paris)
The Temple of Appl'o at Delphi
Centre Pommedeterre (Paris)

Loew's Pearadise Theatre (The Bronx)
Gran Hotel del Pearaguay (Asuncion)
The Lutheran Church in Valpearaiso (Chile)
El Pearaiso Archeological Site in Pearu
Hovde Hall at Peardue University (Indiana)
The Empear State Building (New York)
The Pearis Opeara House
The London Pearlladium
Yellowstone National Peark (Wyoning)
Buckingham Pearlace (London)

Kinderdaikon (The Netherlands)
The Romaine Kaleosseum (Italy)
The Leifeng Figoda (China)
The Pearamids at Giza (Egypt)
The Gateway Archichoke (St. Louis)
The Merchandise Marula (Chicago) 
St. Basil’s Cathedral (Russia)
TiananMung Square (China)
The Statue of Zeuscchini at Olympia (Greece)
The Hanging Gardens of BabylOnions (Mesopotamia)

Disney's Apr'cot Center (Florida)
Frank Lloyd Wright's KohlRobie House (Chicago) 
The Copracabana Supper Club (New York)
The Summer Squash Palace (China)
Navy Pear (Chicago)

Pecandlestick Park (California)
Carnegie Melon University (Pittsburgh)
The Lingon Memorial (Washington, DC)
The Palace at Fountainblueberry (France)
USS Arizonion Memorial (Hawaii)

The Peanutbody Library (Baltimore)

Bell Pepper Works (New Jersey)
Corn Palace (South Dakota)
The Alhambrazil Nut (Spain)

The Cashewbah (Morocco)
Teotihuacantaloupe (Mexico)
The Ruins at El Reysin (Mexico)
The Spinach Steps (Italy)
Fortescuecumber Centre (Australia)

The Palace at Versoy (France) 
The Thyme Warner Building (USA)
Dilliesin West (USA)
The Mosque at Avocadoba (Spain)
The Hill of Taragon (Ireland)

The Ocean Quayenne (Denmark) 

Muscatel el-Amarna (Egypt)
Machu Peaches (Peru)
Mont St-Mishell'd Peas (France)

Trajan's Collards (Italy)
Maiza Verde (Colorado) 

Hoover Damson (USA)
The Royal Mint (UK)

The Space Nettle (USA)
The Gherkin (UK)
Aix-la-Chapple (Germany)

The Chervilla Farnese (Italy)

The Blue Pomplemosque (Armenia)

The Rhubarbican Centre (UK)
The Radishon Hotel (Muscat)
The Tombato pf the Unknown (USA)

The Eiffel Taro (France)
The Chryslaw Building (USA)

Casaba Mila (Spain)
The Pantheonion (Italy)

The Pearthenon (Greece)
The Dome of the Roquette (Israel)
Angkor KumqWat (India)
Westminster Kohlrabbey UK)
Sacre-Couergettes (Montmartre)

The Taj Mahalmond (Acra)
The Sydney Hop'ra House (New South Wales)
The Maizeoleum at Halicarnassus (Turkey)

Villa Savoyam (France) 
Potatola Palace (China)
The Louvrender (France)
The Haricotlosseum (Italy)
Hagia Sofigia (Turkey)
The Khypear Pass (India)

Runcibl'd Spooner: Cue the "Hah-Har-r-r-r"s!

Directors filming crowd scenes
urge their extras, ”Start your walla!”
“Peas ‘n’ carrots…” 
(Pisan carrots…?)
“Peas ‘n’ carrots…”
while pirates drafting treasure maps
who lack incentives holla',
“Keys ‘n’ parrots…” 
(Quays ‘n’ parrots…?)
“Keys ‘n’ parrots.”

When photo shoot flies skull ‘n’ bones,
'twill go the route of Davy Jones.

"We're Ready For Our
Closeups, Mr. DeMille"
by Ulysses Poe
colored pencil on copy paper
digitally enhanced
8 1/2' by 11"

Red State Reel

"Meet Demented Meat"
by Ulysses Poe
chemical marker on copy paper
digitally enhanced
6" by 5"
My old man’s a racist.
Whatch y'all think about that...?
He dons a dog ear’d collar.
He sports a MAGA hat.
Obese in biker’s leathers,
he walks in no man’s shoes.
And every day of every year
he retweets racist views.*
And someday, in the Klan,
I’m gonna be a racist, 
the same as my old man.

     * Some mss replace this line with
"And, come what may, you can't but
hear him sing a racist's blues," but
all are early drafts.

Suff'rin' Suffixes! A Medley of Morpheme Bromides

"The Itching Buddha"
by Ulysses Poe
chemical marker
and brushed ink
on copy paper
8 1/2" by 11"
As old as the ‘algia’s 
and as ugly as ‘-aholic.’    

‘-esque’ and the world ‘-esque’s with you; 
‘-ish’ and you ‘-ish’ alone.

He's got his ‘-ance’ 
between his ‘-acity.’

All for ‘-cracy’ 
and ‘-cracy’ for all!

We’re not ‘-ectomy’ing at you, 
we’re ‘-ectomy’ing with you.

     (More "Suff'rin'" to come: a work in progress.)

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...