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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Stakeout At Chez Gardener: Homage; Or, I Then Drew You This Picture: An Apologial Sketchbook

     Here's logg'd three dogg'rel stiches, all burlesquing lines by Carroll
     in the hopes of launching loads of laughs -- at minimum, a barrel.
     To diss 'em you're entitled; you dismiss 'em at your peril.


I mark'd a crescent moon, that segment sewn on Muslim flags. 
I then drew you this picture, like those shown in Turkish mags. 
Your comment...? Brash: "Who pens such trash be nowt but scalawags." 

I gazed on Joe; he's six-foot-fo' but elsewise like ourselves. 
I then drew you this picture which into his essence delves. 
But you, like H.V.D. before you, moo'd, "More bleedin' elves...?" 
     *Hugo Dyson, Tolkien's fellow Inkling, on hearing that man's 
reading of his Ring Trilogy's latest installment, famously remarked,
""F**k! Not another elf!"

I found a shrivell'd foreskin (a memento from some bris...?).
I then drew you this picture. (Note the dehydrated jizz.)
Can I be sure you really have no clues to whose it is...?

I ran across a mood ring. (How shall stay a mystery.)
I then drew you this picture -- true to life, as well you see.
Your attitude...? Your routine mood. (You're such an s.o.b.*)
     *"Spawn of a bitch' allows for gender-neutral slander. 

I stumbled on a lava lamp at St. Jude's jumble sale.
I then drew you this picture at a seven-thirteenths scale.    
(You never liked St. Jude's -- how all the price tags were in Braille.)

I spied a Bible planted in our fam'ly's chiffarobe.
I then drew you this picture. 'Fess up! Who's the credophobe...?
Your out-of-order answer...? Some misquoted verse from Job.

I broke two Xmas bubble lights bequeathed to us by Mom. 
I then drew you this picture of their fragments in my palm. 
If I have warn'd you once, I've done a thousand times: Stay calm!
I ate three Brit-baked sausage rolls, each stuff'd with mince of pheasant.
I then drew you this picture: "Happy birthday! Here's your present."
Your feedback, once you'd eyed it, proved remarkably unpleasant.

I read a line of Lewis's where's mention'd railway shares.
I then drew you this picture showing half a dozen pairs. 
You cannot know how struck I was when you remark'd, "Who cares!" 
I eyed a damaged emu egg, one smuggl'd from its nest.
I then drew you this picture which such sightings would attest.
I'd fail'd to realize my sketch would leave you so distress'd.

I then saw...who...? (So: was it you...? The shaver gave no name.)
Whereon I drew this picture -- though as yet it lacks a frame.
But you'd agree: whate'er I see, your come-back's e'er the same...?

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...